Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty

Dear Readers,
      For those of you who happen to be friends on Facebook, you probably saw what kind of day I had at work today. For those of you who are not, is was a big watery, muddy mess of a day. We had a water line blow out of one of our water mains, leaving a hole large enough for me to stick my fist in and not worry about hitting the edges. On a ten inch water main, that is a ton of water being pushed out of there. Flooding out the street and leaving a wake of mud that stretched across three lanes of traffic and about a football field in length. It was not a fun day. It started out nice and then the wheels had to fall off. And to think, we have to go back out and dig it all back up again to weld another connection on our water main. All that work just to make sure it is clean and safe for the three day weekend, thanks to our furlough Friday. I just hope it is not a sign of things to come for my weekend of being on call.
      I was reading through some articles on ESPN the other day, as I do quite often, and I came across one dealing with USC and UCLA. I thought I would check it out since they play each other this week. A big rivalry game between two good football programs this year. It really could go either way this year and I think there are lots of analysts picking UCLA even though they have lost twelve of the last thirteen matchups. Don't get me wrong, by no means am I a fan of either one of these teams and usually love to root against UCLA simply because my brother in laws on my wife's side are fans, but I will be rooting for UCLA this weekend. Simply because my team, Oregon, already beat USC this year and would love to see a matchup with UCLA in the PAC12 championship game, especially because they aren't scheduled to play each other this year. Then Oregon can put a beat down on UCLA and I can hang that over my brother in laws heads for a while. There is always a plan. Back to my point. The article was regarding a pre game ritual that USC has been doing for some fifty years or so. They march and play their fight song while their mascot, a Trojan, drives his sword into the center of the football field. Both home and away games. This year though, UCLA is saying that if they do it then their marching band will not be allowed to play during half time. How petty can you be?  This is a tradition that they have done for years; and now you decide it is too much and in the lines of being unsportsmanlike. USC's other biggest rival, Notre Dame, had never cried about it in all the years they have played them. Nor has any other team. I could understand if this was a new thing, but not now that we are all these years into performing this tradition. I'm not even a fan of this school and this article got me fired up. It is all about not wanting to get people's feelings hurt and this society where you get trophy a just for participating. The trophy goes to the winner. This is petty and pathetic. I blame UCLAs be coach, Jim Mora, who is actually a good coach but I think he has no sense of tradition. It is really a shame that it has come to this. I will still be rooting for UCLA this weekend, but if they lose I will chalk it up to their pettiness and won't lose any sleep over it. Child please!

This Day In History: 1777
The Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation, precursor to the U.S. Constitution. 

Born This Day: 1929
Ed Asner

      "A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."
-Thomas Jefferson

Just punching them off as I go. (Still a long way to go.)

Just a taste of the mess we had out there.

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