Friday, November 16, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty One

Dear Readers,
      This late into the year, it makes it difficult for me to find something to talk about unless I actually do something throughout the day. Well, I didn't do a dang thing today. Well not quite. I woke up and played some video games to pass the time until I got called out. Unfortunately, it was a lot of video game time, since I was only called twice and both times for something quick and simple. I could talk about my awesome breakfast, that was made for me. One of the perks about staying here at Tyler's house, is that I get a great meal at least a few times during the week. Including a breakfast of sausage and eggs with some French toast. Which, I'm not usually a fan of French toast, but it was actually pretty good today. Maybe because the cinnamon was dominant in the flavor. Reminded me of cinnamon rolls. Which makes me think about what has been going on with Hostess. If you don't know, they are going out of business because of a work strike with their bakers union. This is a sad thing. Not because of all the twinkies and other goodies that are going to be scarce until they sell off their assets, but because of all those men and women who are now out of a job, which includes a friend of mine who had been employed by Hostess. Especially in the economic times that we are in. Finding a good job is not easy to do. It used to be certain jobs would get forty to fifty applicants for entry level work. Now those same jobs are getting ten times that amount, with most of the applicants being overqualified. They just need to get a job somewhere. I love how my friends wife put it when the possibility of him losing his job came about. That he was going to have some extra family time. I love that she looked at the positive side of it instead of allowing the negativity to creep into everything. I know God will provide for them, but I also know that it must be a bit scary to not know exactly how He is going to. So, the next time you are buying groceries and get ready to buy some Hostess goods, say a little prayer to all those folks who are now seeking God for their next door to walk through. I know I will be.

This Day In History: 1952
In the Peanuts comic strip, Lucy first held a football for Charlie Brown.

Born This Day: 1907
Burgess Meredith - American actor (Rocky)

"The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach."
-Benjamin Mays

Well, the beard is pretty wild.

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