Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty Nine

Dear Readers,
      The countdown to the Spartan Race has just hit overdrive. It is exactly one week from today that I will be doing more bodily harm to myself in one day then I probably did in three years of playing high school football. Okay, I don't know if it is going to be that bad, but it could be. Who knows? It could be worse on me. Especially since I didn't train as well or as much as I had hoped. I am doing it with my brother in laws and nephew, Jeremiah. We have been discussing the idea of having some shirts made up for us with a little design on it. I think our top idea had something to do with a logo stating "We didn't train for this". I am sure once people see how much we struggle with this thing that they will know we didn't train. So, now that we are so close to D-Day, I am trying to cram in some workouts before next Saturday, like I am cramming for a test or something. Today marks two days in a row of hitting the gym. My hope is that I will at least be over the soreness that happens after getting back into the gyms.  I don't want to be trying to climb ropes and over walls and have to combat a sore body on top of a tough race. I have a feeling it is a lost cause, but I have to try. 
      Today I had a great privilege. I was able to share the joy of Star Wars with my nephews, Joseph and Joshua. Micah was there too, but I don't think he is old enough to appreciate what was happening.  Especially since the whole time he was playing with Thomas trains and jumping on the bed most of the time.  Once Joseph had gotten the okay from his parents that he was old enough to see the movie, he has been talking about it ever since. Just about every time he comes over he asks if maybe that is the day we can watch it. I think for the last four months now.  Today I decided to spend some time watching it with him. It wasn't difficult for me, and besides, it got the kids out of my mom's hair for a while. He was so excited, which is awesome to see as an uncle. Makes me wonder what that kind of excitement might be like for me when it is my own child. Anyways, it was really cool to be able to share that with my nephews and hopefully I can impart some important Star Wars knowledge to them in these vital years in their life. By the way, of course I showed them the original Star Wars first, A New Hope. That trilogy is the definitive one. No sense in showing them in order chronologically and ruin them with newer trilogy. Maybe I will be able to see the future Star Wars movies with them in the theaters and they will be able to experience them first hand. Looking forward to many more Star Wars memories. Have to raise them right.

This Day In History: 1971
A hijacker calling himself D. B. Cooper parachutes from a Northwest Orient Airlines 727 into a raging thunderstorm over Washington state with $200,000 in ransom money. His fate remains a mystery.

Born This Day: 1853
Bat Masterson - American buffalo hunter, gunfighter, and lawman.

"If you want to be different from the past, study the past."
-Benedict Spinoza

Star Wars time with the kids.
Notice Micah playing with the trains at the end of the bed.

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