Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day Three Hundred Sixteen

Dear Readers,
      Raina and I saw the new James Bond movie today.  So, if you don't want any spoilers, quit reading until you've seen it.  It was a really good movie and it had an even better ending to it.  If you are a fan of the old Bond movies, I think you will be in agreement with me.  When they started making the more modern Bond movies with Pierce Brosnan, they changed up some of the key components of what Bond is.  They made the leader of MI-6 a woman and took away Moneypenny, who was a key supporting character in the original Bond movies.  The newest movie had some slow parts to it, but like I said, it made me very excited for future movies.  Especially with the return of Q, who was taken out of the previous two movies.  Q stands for quartermaster by the way.  He is the one who issues all of Bonds cool gadgets to him.  Well, he's back jack!  They also gracefully killed off M, replacing her with a male role, just like it used to be.  Moneypenny was introduced back into the storyline and given a beginning.  They even paid homage to when Bond walks into M's office and there is a coat rack right next to the door.  I was just waiting for him to throw his hat onto it from the other side of the room.  I like where these movies are headed and am looking forward to many more with Daniel Craig as the lead.  Besides, James Bond movies are reminiscent of some of the greatest wishes I had growing up.  What young boy didn't want to grow up to be a super cool super spy with a license to kill?  Who didn't want to be "Bond, James Bond"?  All I wanted to do was grow up and go undercover and order a vodka martini, shaken not stirred.  It really did seem like the coolest thing ever to be a secret agent.  Between Star Wars, Indiana Jones and James Bond, I could have lived out my childhood dream as a secret agent archeologist who has the power of the force at his command.  How cool would that be? 
      After our movie, Raina and I had to rush to dinner for our niece, McKenna's, birthday dinner.  Her birthday isn't until next week, but we celebrated with dinner this week so that I could go.  I go back onto stand by for work on Wednesday, so I wouldn't be able to go next week.  So we had a nice dinner all together at Tokyo Hibachi in Lakewood.  If you have never been there, it is in the same style as Benihana where everybody sits around the grill while the cook makes your dinner and does things to entertain the crowd.  Making onion volcanoes and a beating heart out of a pile of rice.  Even tossing pieces of shrimp into peoples mouths.  Well, at least some of us were trying to catch it.  First McKenna got a try, and it hit her forehead.  Then Brandon got a try, and it hit is big schnoz.  His nose if you catch my drift.  Then I got a try, and the beard did not allow me to fail.  I got it just right.  Kind of like the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, it was the third one that was just right.  Just a little part of a fun night out to dinner with the family.

This Day In History: 1921
Exactly three years after the end of World War I, the Tomb of the Unknowns is dedicated at Arlington Cemetery in Virginia by President Warren G. Harding.

Born This Day: 1885
George Patton - Four star U.S. Army general who was one of the great military leaders of World War II.

"You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake."
-Bob Hope

Dinner at Tokyo Hibachi.
McKenna is the little one on the far end.

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