Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Happy Thanksgiving, again.  At least for Raina and I, it was a second helping of all out cooking and eating and family time.  Celebrating with my family today.  I also convinced Raina to cook the turkey for a second year in a row.  She always dreads it, worrying that it is going to be dry or bad or make somebody sick.  It has been a hit both years now though.  Juicy and delicious, and now I get to fry it up for some fantastic left over sandwiches.  It is a good thing we started our day off with a trip to the gym.  Working out in advance of all the caloric intake we managed today.  There was so much food today.  We had eleven adults and four kids and there was so much food that we could have three more Thanksgivings with the left overs.  It was an awesome dinner and family time.
      I spent most of my day cleaning, doing laundry and entertaining my nephews and niece.  Just about as soon as Joseph and Joshua got here, we got into a battle of robots.  They wanted to have real life action fighting as Transformers.  Of course Joseph had to be Optimus Prime while Joshua was Bumble Bee, which left me to be an assortment of Decepticons.  Starting with Megatron.  Thinking it would end with the death of Megatron, since I was getting wiped out by all the energy those two little kids carry.  It didn't.  They just wanted to move on to the next Decepticon they could think of.  Starscream was the next victim to their fictitious battle.  Throwing them around and letting them tackle me and swing wildly, as long as it wasn't to the face.  Picking them up and dropping them on the couch.  Having them run into each other and picking one of them up only to let them fall on the other.  Eventually letting them kill me as Starscream.  It didn't end there.  They now wanted me to be Soundwave, which is another one of the "bad guys".  They just keep going and going and going.  Backing up and getting a head start running into me.  Knocking me down over and over again.  All the while I am play acting with them.  Telling them that they will never kill me and that I was bound to win.  Kids and their imaginations.  Who needs fancy toys when you could have a wild imagination?  I had a blast, trying to keep up with those kids.  Playing with them and showing them Star Wars Angry Birds on my phone, which they were excited to see.  So much so that I tried to show them and they wanted to see so bad that they blocked the screen from my vision countless times.  Repeatedly having to tell them to back up a little bit.  Then there is also Micah,  He requires lots of attention and he is a little Energizer battery all on his own.  I even fit in some time with my niece, Kailee.  Playing some Black Ops on my Xbox with her for a little while.  I would say that it was a day filled with family time and I am more tired from the family time then from the workout I did this morning.  Gotta love family time.

This Day In History: 1936
In the United States, the first issue of the pictorial magazine Life is published.  The cover featured a photo of Fort Peck Dam by Margaret Bourke-White.

Born This Day: 1859
Billy the Kid (William Bonney)

"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others."
-Robert Louis Stevenson

Thanksgiving 2.0
We squeezed everyone in together.

Raina and her Piece de Resistance.

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