Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty Five

Dear Readers,
      I have a friend by the name of Chris Jones, who is infatuated with the idea of Maine. Wanting to visit there, wanting to eat food from there and possibly even wanting to move out there. I wouldn't put it past him. He even has one of those giant change bottles to collect coins, calling it the "Maine Fund". Hoping to one day save up enough coins to pay for a trip to his dreamland. A few weeks back, he found a food truck that serves up Maine Lobster. He has been waiting for a night when it would be local enough to go eat. Naturally, I was not going to miss out on a lobster truck, so I told him I would go try it out with him. Unfortunately, the next night it is close enough, we are both going to be indisposed. It wasn't meant to be, yet. Maybe it is Gods way of telling us we should wait until we get to go out to Maine and eat some real fresh Maine lobster. Raina and I have been telling him that we would love to take a trip out there. Raina always says she has been wanting to go to the complete opposite side of the country. It doesn't get any more opposite than Maine. Besides, it is supposed to be beautiful out there and there is lots to see. Besides, does the lobster get any fresher than that? All this talk about lobster and Maine is making me crave some good seafood and a nice vacation somewhere. I think I am going to have to talk to Raina about what our next vacation should be. After we go to France or Italy of course. We need to plan a trip to the East coast. Touring from New York and Boston up to Maine. There is a ton of history out there, a ton of beautiful sites, and most likely a ton of great eats out there. Why can't I have a job that has me travel to places like that, that would also allow me to drag my wife with me at least half the time. I have to find that job. Possibly a dream job. It exists somewhere out there. I just need to find it. Time to start saving for our East coast trip too. 

This Day In History: 1789
New Jersey became the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.

Born This Day: 1965
Mike D. - The Beastie Boys

"Never judge a book by it's movie."
-J. W. Eagan

 Nothing more to be said.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome me and sarah have always wanted to go to new york and boston. Maybe when the kids grow!! -JAIME
