Friday, November 9, 2012

Day Three Hundred Fourteen

Dear Readers,
      It was a great day to start the long weekend.  One of those lazy days.  Although, I would have preferred to be working some overtime.  It was originally scheduled, but they canceled out of fear of the rain.  It's a good thing too, because it was just pouring today.  If you don't live locally, you should know that last sentence was full of sarcasm, because it was completely dry today.  That is twice in two weeks that they canceled our overtime because they thought the weather was going to be too bad to do the work and both times the weather was great.  This time it was rain, last time it was high winds.  Neither one of them happened.  Wasting my opportunity to make some extra money along the way.  A little frustrating, but I took advantage of the extra day off in my own way.  Catching up on yesterdays blog that I missed and relaxing with Raina. 
      Relaxing with Raina today included watching a new movie.  At least new to us that is.  50/50 with Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, where he gets cancer and they go through the process of what it is like to go through that. Unfortunately, I have had to deal with it on a minor level.  Not myself directly, but my sister, Yoli.  Yoli is a cancer survivor.  I believe I talked about it before, so I won't get into it all, but I just want to say that she is a fighter and very special to me.  I always believed she would beat it, which made me seem indifferent to it.  Almost to the point where it may have seemed that I didn't care.  I cared very much for sister and what she was going through, but I wasn't afraid.  I was just concerned that she had to deal with everything that goes along with the chemo and surgery.  I was right though, she is cancer free and even had my nephew, Micah, afterwards without complications.  It is nothing short of a miracle what my sister has accomplished and survived.  I love my sister, and watching that movie today reminded me of that time in our lives.  Thankfully, the movie ended on a positive note, unlike a lot of those kinds of movies these days.  I was sure they were going to let him die at the end of the movie.  Sorry to spoil it for you, but it ended good, just like it ended up with Yoli.  Sorry for the spoiler if you haven't seen the movie and were looking forward to seeing it, but it has been out for over a year now.  Bottom line, it was a good day.

This Day In History: 1989
East Germany opens the Berlin Wall, allowing free travel from East Berlin to West Berlin.  The following day, exuberant Germans began to tear down the wall.

Born This Day: 1936
Mary Travers - American folk singer (Peter, Paul, and Mary)

"A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it."
-Bob Hope

Now that is art.

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