Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day Three Hundred Eleven

Dear Readers,
      Happy Election Day! Actually, it doesn't seem like a very happy day after what our outcome is looking like. I guess we have just re-elected Obama. This is not looking good. Another four years of doing nothing but promoting Obamacare. Now, I'm not claiming to know a whole lot about politics, but I do realize that things haven't improved in the last four years. It looks like we are just going to get more of the same. I don't get why our country would want to bring back a guy who didn't improve anything. At least you would think they would decide to move on and give another guy a try at it. Treat it like a business, if a guy isn't getting it done then get him out and replace him with someone who will. It just seems like with all the people we have living in this country, I can't believe these are the two best candidates available. My only explanation for that, is that the people who are actually smart enough to be running our country are just too smart to spend their time doing it. They are better off running a Fortune 500 company or something like that. Well, at least I can say that I fulfilled my civic duty as an American and went out and voted. Although here in California, it usually doesn't make a difference. The last republican to get voted in California was Ronald Reagan. This whole electoral votes system seems to be messed up. Someone like Romney, who looks like he may get the popular vote, will end up losing out because of electoral votes. Which California has the most of. The whole system just seems totally screwed up. Why can't the people smart enough to fix our country do something about it? I just don't understand politics enough I guess. Maybe I'll learn a little more before the next election. My hope is that Obama does something to make things better. That something will change in him. For the better that is. One can hope.

This Day In History: 1860
Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of United States, the first Republican to win the office.  Southern states had been threatening secession if he was elected.  On the day of his inauguration the following March, seven rebel states will have already formed the Confederate States of America.

Born This Day: 1851
Charles H. Dow - American journalist who was the first editor of the Wall Street Journal and who co-founded the Dow Jones company.

"The ignorant man always adores what he cannot understand."
-Cesare Lombroso

Why doesn't he run?

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