Friday, November 23, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty Seven

Dear Readers,
      Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  It is that time of year where we all stuff ourselves to the point of pain.  All that turkey and gravy and mashed potatoes and stuffing and so on and so on.  There is always too much food and not enough mouths to finish everything.  You always end up with tons of left overs to eat for the next week and a half.  Turning it into turkey sandwiches, ham and eggs, and who knows what else people turn them into.  I think one of the things I most look forward to is the left over turkey.  I end up eating more turkey after Thanksgiving then during.  I save a little of the left over grease from the bottom of the pan that the turkey came out of and then use it to fry up the left over turkey to turn them into hot sandwiches for the next week.  So delicious.  I think I actually look forward to that more then the actual Thanksgiving dinner.  It doesn't help that Raina and I celebrate two Thanksgivings.  Today was gut buster day number one with her family.  Spending the day over her brother Brent's house.  Watching football and movies while eating to our hearts content.  Then we get to do it all over again the next day, as we celebrate Thanksgiving with my family.  We have done double duty for at least ten years now.  It makes the holidays twice as fun.  We never have to sacrifice.  Which has been awesome.  Always getting to celebrate with both our families and not having to make compromises every year.  We are very fortunate for this to have worked out for us and we know we are blessed to be able to have it like this.  Not everyone has families this close to each other and have the scheduling work out so well.  Just one of the many things that we are thankful for and are reminded of this time of year.  A day to reflect on all the blessings we have had this past year.  Blessed with family and good health and good jobs and so many other things.  We hope the same for all of you as well.  Happy Thanksgiving!  Eat lots of turkey.

This Day In History: 1963
U.S. president John F. Kennedy is assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in an open-top convertible.

Born This Day: 1890
Charles De Gaulle - French general, president of France. (1959-1969)

"People tend to forget their duties but remember their rights."
-Indira Gandhi

Where do I get mine at?

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