Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty Three

Dear Readers,
      Okay, yesterday was a terrible day.  Oregon could not have lost to a worse team.  Didn't I just say how the one team to give them fits when they are doing good is Stanford.  That is two possible perfect seasons that Stanford has derailed now.  I am really starting to hate that school.  Now, if both Stanford and Oregon win next week, Oregon will be left out of the PAC12 championship game because of Stanford holding the tie breaker.  Now I have to root for UCLA again, which I hate doing, to beat Stanford so that Oregon has a chance to go to the championship game.  They still have to take care of business of their own, by beating their rival Oregon State.  Which is a pretty stinking good team right now as well.  I feel another stressful weekend in store for me.  Even after that, Oregon would have to play UCLA in the championship game so that they can get an automatic invite to the Rose Bowl.  It is still a long road ahead for Oregon and I am crossing my fingers.
      There is nothing like watching a good football game.  One that can keep your attention the entire way through.  Back and forth, with some rivalry attached to it.  So many swings in football that can cause you to pull your hair out or be jumping for joy in your own living room.  As you know, I was pulling what little hair I have left off my head.  That is what I love about sports though.  You just never know what is going to happen.  Someone could have the game of their life and never see from them again afterward.  If the timing is right though, they will be remembered forever.  All it takes is one moment.  Just look at Kirk Gibson.  He will always be remembered for his one at bat in the World Series and then hobbling around the bases while pumping his fist.  No one really remembers what he did that season or even how many seasons he actually played for the Dodgers.  All they know is that he was the hero of that game that turned things around for the Dodgers.  The cause of all those brake lights going off in the Dodger Stadium parking lot from all those people who left thinking it was over.  Moments like that are one of the big reason I watch sports.  So, even though my team has let me down, I will still enjoy watching for the rest of the season.  Anticipating another run next season.

This Day In History: 1928
The first successful sound-synchronized animated cartoon premiered in New York. It was Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie," starring Mickey Mouse.

Born This Day: 1923
Alan Shepard, Jr.- American astronaut

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it."

Sailor Beard.

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