Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty Six

Dear Readers,
      Okay, sorry for missing another day.  I don't really have a good excuse. I had some housekeeping to do after getting back home and dinner with Raina's grandmother who came into town. After that, I was spent and fell asleep right away. Not even giving myself a chance to get under the covers. More like I was setting my alarm and reading some emails while laying down on my bed and then the next thing I remember I am waking up half frozen with no blankets. It was pretty bad. Raina claims to have came to bed and try to get me to get under the covers, but I don't remember that at all. So I'm gonna say she didn't and just left me to freeze. If she really cared, she would have put the blanket that was folded at the end of the bed. I can't believe how tired I was last night. It wasn't like I did very much yesterday. I guess the thought of getting to sleep in my own bed after a week of sleeping on a couch made me want to hurry and get to it. I even left work early to get home and get some laundry done and to get a little rest in before we went to dinner with Raina's grandmother. By the way, I know Raina cares about me. I am just giving her a hard time via blog.  At least this way there is a delayed reaction between me giving Raina a hard time about something and her reaction of a swift right hook.
      Speaking of a right hook, this leads me to something that I have noticed. I don't know if it is a female thing or just a Brandon's wife and my wife thing. I noticed it last night at dinner.  Brandon had made a couple of comments that may have been in the mode of making fun of his wife, Brooke. With guys, it would have been a response of a joke or put down back at him. With Brooke, it was a swift punch or pinch. I notice that Raina mostly reacts the same way if I do the same thing to her. I wonder, is this how most females react. I know there are exceptions to every rule and not all are the same, but there is a tendency for females to do similar things that other females do. The same way a lot of males have similar traits. I don't want to get into a whole battle over male versus female and having quick wit to bust each others chops, I just want to know if Brandon and I are the only ones to have violent wives. Wives that resort to violence as the answer. I will tell you that we should learn from history, that violence is not the answer. We should use our words for diplomacy. Our intellect as a way to find a proper solution. Not react in threats and violence.  Violence is for barbarians, and I hope we are an educated enough of a society to not be barbarians stuck in the middle ages.  So, here is to intellect and quick wit instead of using fists to speak.
      P.S. I guess I am using my blog as another means to bust our wives chops.  Hopefully this doesn't get me into to much trouble...and pain.

This Day In History: 1977
The supersonic Concorde airliner, developed by Great Britain and France, takes off on its first flight from London to New york City.

Born This Day: 1694
Jean Francois Voltaire - French philosopher and author.
1978 - Chris Allen (A great friend who happens to be married to one of my wife's best friends.)

"Curiosity is free-wheeling intelligence."
-Alistair Cooke

Prove you are a true American. Listen to the picture.

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