Monday, November 5, 2012

Day Three Hundred Ten

Dear Readers,
      Wow! I totally forgot my midterm for my class was today. It is a good thing it is an easy class. Otherwise I might have been in trouble. I went into class at 6:30PM and was out of there by 7:00PM. I love test days in college. Just show up and take your test, then leave. Unless you have a teacher like in my last class. Where he wants to do a full lecture before taking a test. That was rough. This class, not so much. So, since I was done so early, I decided I would walk home and type up my blog on my phone while I was walking. So the first part of the paragraph I typed up while getting about a third of the way home. If you know where I live and where Cerritos College is, then I can tell you that I had just passed the Shell station on Alondra, when I heard someone honking. It was my dad, who just passed me turning into the gas station. It turns out that my parents, my sister Yoli, and my niece and nephew were headed to Taco Surf for dinner. Planning on meeting Raina there, who had just happened to get off of work. So, I jumped in the car to tag along. I planned on surprising Raina, but as I was telling her that I wasn't going to make it and I was just going to walk home, I could hear the disappointment in her voice. So I told her the truth, that I was already at the restaurant waiting for her. On the subject of our restaurant choice, I have never been there and was looking forward to trying out a new Mexican food spot. It turned out to be very good. The service wasn't that great, but the food was very tasty. I had a shrimp burrito with Ensenada sauce on top. I would have taken a picture, but I was hungry and devoured it before I realized my mistake.
      Tonight's blog was a bit of a journey. Starting out while I was walking home, then during dinner with the family, and now in the comfort of home. Sometimes it is a process, working itself out through different manifestations. I just never know how this is going to work out on a daily basis. Sometimes finishing early, most times late. Sometimes while in class, and other times while keeping Raina up late with the computer light. Sometimes while on the road, and other times not at all, only to leave myself having to catch up the next day. Either way, it always gets done. There are 56 days left and looking back, it has gone by very quickly. I can't believe the end is coming up so fast. I just don't know what I am going to do with all the extra time I have on my hands. Raina has noticed how busy the blog has been keeping me sometimes. To the point that my video game time has gone down significantly.  I guess I will have to find other things to fill my time. Finally get reading again. I have plenty of books to keep my attention. Maybe I will continue the blog, but on a less frequent basis. Talking about the books I'm reading, or just letting everybody know what is going on with Raina and I. We are planning to buy a house early next year, so that could be interesting. Who knows? Only time will tell.

This Day In History: 1963
Archaeologists working in Newfoundland discover the ruins of a Viking settlement that predated Christopher Columbus in the New World by 500 years.

Born This Day: 1911
Roy Rogers - American actor famous for his "singing cowboy".

"Our knowledge is a receding mirage in an expanding desert of ignorance."
-Will Durant

Dinner at Taco Surf.
Micah is hidden somewhere.

Kailee the ham.

My babe, hard at work.

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