Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day Three Hundred Thirty Four

Dear Readers,
     You know, I normally love rainy days.  Usually I get to leave work and come home and curl up with a good book.  I didn't get that luxury at work today.  Being at work on rainy days are awful.  I know I have said it before, how the days is filled with menial tasks that are done mostly to fill the time.  Rain really limits what we can do at our jobs, so the day becomes boring.  Which means today was boring.  I already had it in my mind that I was going to be going home early.  I had already planned out all the things I might accomplish when I got home.  It was not meant to be though.  The rain had let up just enough to force us to stay, but not enough to let us get on with our regular jobs.  Quite frustrating if you ask me.  Needless to say, I had a pretty boring day and was happy to hurry home after work. 
      I had to hurry home to not work on my class that I am taking online for work.  I can be a bit of a procrastinator.  You see, I have been signed up for this class for about three months now and I am given six months to finish it.  I have been telling myself that I need to work on it for a couple of weeks now, but have yet to even start it.  This is a different class then the one I am taking once a week by the way.  I was supposed to start it a while back now.  Procrastinating has to be one of my worst habits.  Things always seem to work out better if I am prepared, or work on something with plenty of time to spare.  Waiting until the last minute has gotten me into trouble many times before.  I like to think that I do better with things while under the pressure I have put on myself by procrastinating, but mostly I just make things more difficult and reduce the quality of whatever it might be.  I think that this is one of the biggest things I would change about myself, but it is probably the hardest thing to change.  So, now that I have given myself only two weeks or so to finish this class, I really need to pick it up and put some work into it.  I want to finish it before the school goes on winter break so that it doesn't delay my grade any longer than it has to.  I need a passing grade to be able to sign up for the next test for my certifications for work.  The test dates are only twice a year, so it really limits my window for signing up.  Always putting myself in difficult spots.  Hopefully I won't do it to myself yet again.  Need to start on that class.  Procrastinating leads to difficult times.

This Day In History: 1961
In a prelude to John Glenn's orbital space flight, the first U.S. satellite carrying an animal, a five year old chimpanzee named Enos, is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Born This Day: 1927
Vin Scully - Los Angeles Dodgers baseball announcer. (A Legend)

"Aim at heaven and you get Earth thrown in, aim at Earth and you get neither."
-C. S. Lewis

The "Let my people go" beard.

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