Monday, November 19, 2012

Day Three Hundred Twenty Four

Dear Readers,
      What a much better day for sports for me.  The 49ers put on a defensive clinic against the Bears.  You gotta love games like this.  I know I do.  Just complete defensive domination.  The Bears could not block the 49ers defensive line and couldn't stop the 49ers quarterback, who made his first start of his career tonight.  He wasn't too shabby either, making some big throws and not making any mistakes to shoot himself in the foot.  Just goes back to how much I love to watch a strong defense just dominate.  Which is funny since it is completely opposite to what I watch when I watch an Oregon football game, which is almost always an offensive showcase.  There is just something special about watching big hits and an offensive line just collapsing under the pressure.  Just awesome.  Again, sorry to be talking sports gain, but I just love football and they have given me a lot to talk about, be happy about and also be sad about. 
      I have to say, this has been my slowest standby for work in four years of doing it.  That makes it a complete bummer to be doing it right now.  Especially since I have to spend the week away from Raina.  Sleeping on a couch, spending my week watching TV, playing video games and wasting time surfing the internet.  I usually bring a book with me, but my last few have been so busy that I haven't really spent any time reading, so I saved myself a little weight and left the book at home this week.  Was that a mistake or what?  I could have spent my week catching up on my reading.  Even though I will never really catch up with as many books as I own, but it would be nice to make some progress and actually dent that pile of books I have.  I am just hoping my last night is busy tomorrow, so that the time will fly by and I can hurry back home.  Just in time for Thanksgiving.  Getting ready for a stuffing later this week, and I am not talking about the turkey, I am talking about my stomach for two days in a row.  Since we celebrate with Raina's family on Thursday and with my family on Friday.  It is a double dose of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and so many other classic dishes.  I can't wait.  Counting down the hours as we speak.

This Day In History: 1863
U.S. President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.

Born This Day: 1933
Larry King - American television and radio host.

"When I was young, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. So I did ten times more work."
-George Bernard Shaw

How awesome is this guys beard.

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