Monday, November 26, 2012

Day Three Hundred Thirty One

Dear Readers,
      I am about to share a story with you, but you can't continue to repeat it.  Okay, that isn't realistic, but Raina may get a little upset at me for telling this one.  I am terrible at time frames, after a couple of years most of my memories just blur together.  So, sometime in the past, Raina and I were riding in a car with her brothers heading somewhere I can't remember.  What I do remember is how I was picking on Raina and we were bickering back and forth.  Out of nowhere comes a comment from the funny farm.  "David, let the wookie win."  If you know just a little bit about Star Wars, you know where that line is from.  Where C-3PO and R2-D2 are playing against Chewbacca in a holographic fighting game and R2-D2 is beating Chewbacca and he yells because he loses.  Han Solo then explains that most people don't rip their opponents arms out of their sockets when they lose like wookies do.  So C-3PO suggests a new strategy to R2-D2.  Let the wookie win.  Needless to say, Raina didn't care much for that.  Immediately following the vicious comment, she started hitting them and swinging wildly.  See, always resorting to violence.  Then, Brandon said something else to her and she attempted to bite him.  That is when I burst out with a "Great Chewie, always thinking with your stomach".  Which is another line from the Star Wars movies.  She didn't like that one either.  She definitely didn't like that it has kind of stuck with her.  To the point that her brother Brent had remembered it vividly enough to get a little Chewbacca sound maker toy thing.  Every time you press the button on it, it makes Chewbacca sounds.  It was her Christmas gift last year.  Well, Brent has added another Chewbacca gift to the collection that is starting.  Raina is now the proud owner of a wonderful wookie t-shirt.  She is the "Wookie of the Year".  Brent gave it to her on Thanksgiving, so that she could be extra thankful for it.  I don't think she was as thankful as Brent had hoped, but it was a pretty cool shirt either way.  Now she has a fanboy shirt that she can where to our next comic book convention.  I am glad that she is finally coming around and embracing the Star Wars connection she has now.  At least it is only joking around.  I am thankful she doesn't actually look like a wookie of some sort.  That would be kind of scary with all that hair.  So, don't go around calling my beautiful wife a wookie or something like that.  Well, at least try not to.

This Day In History: 1942
The American movie Casablanca has its world premiere at the Hollywood Theatre in New York City.

Born This Day: 1922
Charles Schulz - American cartoonist (Peanuts)

"A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind."
-Eugene Ionesco

Raina's cool new shirt.

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