Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day Three Hundred Thirty Two

Dear Readers,
      It is turkey, turkey, and more turkey.  Turkey sandwiches for lunch and then turkey tacos for dinner.  Throwing in some onion and taco seasoning in the skillet with a pile of turkey and frying it up.  I guess I am pretty lucky to really enjoy me some turkey.  I even convinced Raina to try making me some turkey chili.  Doesn't that sound fantastic?  I can't wait.  Don't judge me.  It's good.  So many variations to go with.  I bet I can get at least three more new recipes out of all these leftovers.  Still have ham too.
      Well, I found out the results to my test that I took a couple of weeks ago for my class.  You know, the one that I forgot about until I showed up for class.  Did I luck out or what?  Not only did I show up for the right class after almost missing it, but I scored an "A" on my midterm.  I will take the blessing from on high.  Hopefully I can do as will when the final comes around.  I don't think I will let myself forget when it is and show up unprepared this time though.
      You know how some people stroke their mustaches when they are thinking?  Well I don't do that.  Not exactly in any case.  I have one semi wild hair on my lip that sticks out more then the rest.  I stroke that one when I am thinking.  I am surprised that I haven't accidentally pulled it out by now.  I used to have on on my left side before I accidentally pulled out.  Which makes me wonder why I haven't pulled this one out yet.  Until that time comes, it will be my thinking hair.  Helping me ponder all of life's greatest mysteries.  Including figuring out how to get away from some of the guys I have to work with on a daily basis.  I will solve that mystery one of these days.  Hopefully sooner rather then later.  Don't ask me why I started thinking about that estranged hair.  I don't know how it popped into my head.  My brain comes up with some of the most random thoughts.  I just have to go with the flow of my constantly distracted brain.  Maybe I have ADD.

This Day In History: 1901
The Army War College was established in Washington, DC.

Born This Day: 1942
Jimi Hendrix - Guitarist and singer.

"Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born."
-Ronald Reagan

I'm thoroughly jealous.

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