Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day Three Hundred Nine

Dear Readers,
      Last night, Raina and I watched my nephew Micah while my sister and brother in law went to a wedding reception.  Hallelujah to the fact that Micah is now potty trained.  One of the biggest reasons I never watched Micah on my own was that I don't do diapers.  Now that he is potty trained, it's going to be awesome.  It will give me more time to teach him different sayings and noises.  So that he can surprise other people with them.  I even gave him a new one unintentionally.  The last time he was over the house, he let out a huge fart.  It was amazing how loud it was for such a little kid.  As he let it out, I let out a big "Whoa!" and started laughing.  He started repeating it, every time somebody farted, or even when he did himself.  I had forgotten about it until last night, when I let out a fart in front of him to which he promptly responded with a "Whoa!".  Right on cue.  It made me crack up.  That kid has a ton of personality and makes me laugh all the time.  He is tons of fun to be around, but when he gets a little disobedient, it is great to hand him back to his parents.
       Raina and I spent the morning together before she had to go to work.  We used the time very wisely.  By making breakfast together.  We haven't done that since we moved in with my parents.  It was usually my job to make breakfast when we were at our own place, so it was kind of nice to be doing it together with Raina.  A delicious breakfast of chorizo and eggs with a side of bacon.  Enjoying the time spent together.  Breakfast for me, is one of those meals that can be done so many different ways.  Eggs can be mixed with so many different options.  Chorizo is just the tip of the iceberg.  Maybe a little onion, some mushrooms, throw in some salsa, bell peppers, tomatoes, throw some cheese on top, or tons of other combinations.  You can't go wrong.  That's why breakfast is great for getting rid of all those things in the fridge that are about to go bad.  A big hodge podge of different delightful delectables.  It was another wonderful morning with my wife.

This Day In History: 1922
English archaeologist Howard Carter and his workmen discover a step leading to the tomb of King Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt.

Born This Day: 1916
Walter Cronkite - American journalist.

"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else."
-Will Rogers

Micah falling asleep in our bed and pictures of breakfast.

Fun with chorizo.


My hot wife.

The finished product.

I love my wife.

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