Monday, November 12, 2012

Day Three Hundred Seventeen

Dear Readers,
      Here we are at the Hollywood Bowl getting ready to see one of our favorite bands right now, Mumford and Sons. We have already sat through the two opening acts. The first one was actually good. Nice music and good singing. The second band on the other hand, not so much. Weird and loud. And not very good singers. It was interesting to say the least. Thankfully they are done and the stage is being reset. It's cold out here tonight, but we are dressed warmly and just thankful it isn't raining on us. Another one of the perks of living in Southern California, great weather can last into the later part of the year. It allows us to see a concert at such a great outdoor venue as this. How cool is the Hollywood Bowl? You are outdoors, the music sounds great and there is this nostalgia of seeing an event at such a well known and old place as this. It is iconically Hollywood. You can even bring food in and enjoy the outdoor picnic area. The only downside is the mostly bench seating. Raina and I came to see the Star Wars in concert here last year, which was totally awesome, and sat on a bench squished in with a whole row of people that should have been spread out into at least a row and a half. I got smart when buying these tickets. They have a small section in the center called "super seats", which are actual chairs like you would find at most baseball stadiums. So that way we didn't have to worry about sitting next to someone who wanted to stretch out a little more and force us to be crushed. Although it might have been nice with how cold it is. We can stretch out ourselves a little bit. Our own actual seats. It worked out that we are on the end right on the aisle. So we don't have to squeeze across a row of people to get in and out. We have to get up to let people out, but I would rather do that then squeeze by someone hoping I don't step on their toes or trip and fall into someone's lap. We are ready for a great concert and it will be a nice cap to our day, which began with a large family breakfast. We chipped in with my parents this morning, helping out with cooking a feast for the whole family. My sisters came over with their families and we had a Thanksgiving version of breakfast. Chorizo and eggs, breakfast potatoes, bacon, waffles, fruit, whipped cream. It was awesome. It was a great start to a great Veterans Day. I don't want to forget about all those troops who have fought to protect our freedom. I am very thankful for all their sacrifices. So if you're a veteran of any kind, Thank You.

This Day In History: 1990
English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee circulates a draft proposal for a hypertext system, which he calls the World Wide Web.

Born This Day: 1945
Al Michaels - American sportscaster.

"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely."
-Auguste Rodin

Breakfast time!

A Feast!

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