Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day Two Hundred Seventy Six

Dear Readers,
     As of this moment, the Cardinals have given a chance for the Dodgers to continue staying competitive with an outside chance of making the playoffs.  The Dodgers do not seem to be wanting to take advantage of their opportunity.  As of this moment, they are losing to the hated Giants by three runs with almost four innings still to play.  If they don't take advantage and make the most of this situation, then they don't deserve to be in the playoffs this year.  I know it is cliche to say, but you have to want it and right now the Dodgers don't look like they want it.  Things can turn around, and I hope they do, but it has to be now.  I am counting on them to do it.  Dodger fans have been waiting a long time for another miracle season.  Now is the time.
      I work on a day to day basis with a couple of guys who just don't seem to mesh very well.  That is actually an understatement.  They really seem to hate that they have to work together on a day to day basis.  Not that they hate one another as a person, they just don't like how each other operate as an employee, and it shows.  Today was another fine example of that.  One guy just doesn't know how to talk to people.  He just wants things done his way, when he says it.  The other is laid back and mostly wants to cruise through the day.  One gets frustrated very easily and gets high strung in higher pressure situations.  While the other is so laid back sometimes that he really doesn't care what happens or who it might effect.  You can see that there is a big difference in personality traits that can force things to a breaking point at times when they are in the same vicinity for a certain period of time.  That time was today.  One guy wanted to hurry up and finish work that didn't have to be finished that minute, forcing us to work past when we would normally take lunch.  The other wanted to take lunch and finish the work after lunch.  Not wanting to wait to eat something.  I can see both sides to this argument.  The breaking point was that one did not know how to present his point across without seeming like a parent who tells a child to do something because they told them to.  Not giving a reason, just because the parent says so.  It got to the point where they were arguing over this, while all I wanted to do was hurry up and get the job done so I could take my break.  Get out of the heat for a little while and get something cold to drink.  It just made it that much longer for us to get to our lunch break.  They fight and bicker, while I am in the middle trying to get work done.  Then one takes off for lunch on his own and the other goes to lunch with me, wanting to complain about the other guy for twenty minutes.  I just want to enjoy my lunch.  Why do I want to continue to talk about work?  Let's talk about sports or life or anything else.  I don't want to sit there and listen to you complain and continue to make yourself upset about something that happened almost an hour before.  Get over it and move on.  Learn how to improve the situation instead of just complaining about it.  If you can't tell, my job can be frustrating at times.  I shouldn't say my job, as much as the people I have to work with.  Here is hoping that tomorrow is a better day, and hopefully a little cooler as well.

This Day In History: 1919
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson suffers a massive stroke, which would incapacitate him for the remainder of his term.

Born This Day: 1890
Groucho Marx - American comedian and actor.  One of the Marx brothers.

"We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles."
-Jimmy Carter

Brilliant Idea.

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