Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eighty

Dear Readers,
      This morning, my mom and older sister, Yoli, went out scavenging for garage sale deals.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the great deals you can get at garage sales.  I just shop around at a completely different pace then my mom and sisters do.  I will skim over and lightly browse.  Even to the point that I will do the slow drive by, to see if there is anything that might pique my interest  and most of the time I won't even stop.  Just cruise right on by to the next sale.  With the females in my family, it is a completely different story.  Stopping at just about every garage sale to peruse through every little item.  Digging through boxes and leaving no stone unturned.  You just never know what might be out there.  Now they got that show American Pickers to encourage things like garage sales.  Which is fine, except for the fact that I just can't handle their pace.  Way too slow for me.  If I miss something, then I miss something.  I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.  Not like I would ever know what I missed out on anyways.  You should see my mom at these things though.  My mom has to be one of the shyest persons I know, but when it comes to bargaining for garage sale fodder, she is always working a cheaper price.  It could be a chest full of gold that is being sold for only ten bucks and she would still ask if they would take five for it.  She is always pushing for a cheaper price.  Most of the time, if she doesn't get it at the price she wants, she will walk away from it.  She has that much self control.  Only buying what she thinks is going to be the best possible price and not a penny more.  I always think that most things are already under priced anyways, so I will usually just pay the price they are asking.  It is pretty funny to hear my mom as if they will take a quarter on something that costs fifty cents.  I guess the old saying is really true, that a penny saved is a penny earned.  She is saving every possible penny from escaping into the needy hands of the person selling off their old junk.  Bringing true another old saying.  That one man's junk is another man's treasure.  There is treasure out there.  I have found it before.  Raina just found some on Friday.  Finding me a Star Wars puzzle.  Just my cup of tea.  She also found a few books.  One of our shared vices.  There is no shortage to the list of books that we both want to read.  Always something new to read as well.  Even though we have more than enough books, we keep getting them.  I think it would take us years upon years to catch up with all the books we have.  Yet, we keep getting more.  We just can't help ourselves.  There are so many books out there and so many things to learn from all those books. In fact, we added about fifteen books to our catalog in the last couple of days.  Ten we got from the Dollar Bookstore at the Lakewood Mall.  I had a gift certificate to use up and we had no problems using it up together.  Then, at the same garage sale that Raina got the puzzle at, she also picked up a few books for the two of us.  So many interesting stories to read.  Some true, some fake and all interesting.  Every once and a while I end up with a boring or just plain bad book.  I am the type of person to power through it though.  I don't like to not finish something I started.  Books make the world a better place.
      Since I am on the subject of books, I will weigh in on the newest debate on books.  Do you prefer eBooks, or physical paper books?  Personally, I prefer to physically have the book to read.  There is something cool about having that book and having to put a book marker every time you stop.  Don't get me wrong, Kindles and Nooks and all those other eReaders come in very handy at times.  Especially if you don't have a lot of space for books.  Believe me, they can take up a lot of space.  Me on the other hand, dream about having a full size library/study in my future house.  Including the ladder that slides from side to side to get to the books high above.  A nice fire place and some comfortable chairs.  Maybe even a chess set in the center.  I just think it would be freaking awesome.  Possibly a special section just for comic books and Star Wars books.  It could even be the place us guys do our special book club.  The vision is coming together.  Our future house better have a library in it.  First thing on the list.

This Day In History: 1847
Jane Eyre is published under the pseudonym Currer Bell, who was actually English author Charlotte Bronte.

Born This Day: 1809
Alfred, Lord Tennyson - English poet ("Ulysses")

"A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow."
-Charlotte Bronte

A little something for the Russians out there.

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