Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Five

Dear Readers,
      It is my wife's birthday today, and I don't get to spend it with her.  She happens to be driving back from her trip to Oregon and I happen to be working, sort of.  I actually seem to have a little bit of time to myself in the middle of the day.  So, here I am typing up my blog and watching some football.  I think this is the first time in about eleven years that we have spent her birthday apart.  We don't always do something big or expensive for her birthday, but we always do it together.  Usually I forget to plan something until the last minute and pull something together on the fly, but we are doing it together.  Sometimes I haven't had any money to really get her anything but a card and maybe a flower and then apologize about it in her birthday card, but at least we did it together.  Sometimes my lack of planning can really get me into trouble on her birthday and we end up fighting and then making up quickly, but at least we did it together.  Thinking back at all those birthdays we have spent together, this one being the fourteenth, we really do have a lot of great memories together.  Unfortunately I am pretty forgetful and need pictures or Raina to remind me of thing we did to get me going.  I think there are a number of years where we spent the day at Disneyland.  Which wasn't too difficult when we had our season passes.  We haven't been back in over a year though, since the passes have gotten so expensive.  I think it only cost us about $150 each back in the day for a premium pass.  Now it is over $400.  I would love to go back with Raina, but it is like saving for a vacation at this point.  It will happen again, it just might take some time.  I especially want to get her back there for her favorite time of the year, which is Christmas.  She loves to look around at decorated park, taking in all ambiance of Christmas.  I love that time of year as well, but Raina is almost fanatical about it.  Not in a bad way though, because I really love that she gets so excited about it.  I think I may have to find a way to get her there this year.  There is nothing greater than seeing excitement on my wife's face.  I love you Raina.  I pray I can make this next year even more special than any of the previous.  Aside from the year we got married, when I became the happiest man alive.  Happy Birthday to my wife!

This Day In History: 1879
Thomas Edison invented the electric incandescent lamp. It would last 13 1/2 hours before it would burn out.

Born This Day: 1956
Carrie Fisher - American actress (Star Wars)
1981 - My beautiful wife, Raina Ortega.
1982 - Joshua Kimura - Best man at my wedding.

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
-Harry Truman

Maybe our trip to Disneyland will end up like this though.

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