Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eighty Four

Dear Readers,
     Guest blogger tonight. My wonderful wife Raina. This is a special occasion, because she has an interesting story that happened here by the house today. I didn't get to experience it. So she will tell it from a first hand perspective. So, enjoy.

      This morning while I was getting out of the shower I heard Loud knocking on the door, assuming it was either one of David's sisters I yelled, "WHAT?!?!"  Then I heard David's moms sweet little voice saying, "There are cops surrounding the neighbors house and their guns are drawn!!!" I then felt really bad that I yelled "WHAT" and then tried to hurry to dry myself off to go see what was going on.  Apparently while I was in the shower the wife next door left to drop the kids off at school and maybe 5 minutes after she left approximately 6 vehicles, 3 unmarked, full of cops surround the house with their guns drawn and arrest the husband.  Two trucks double parked where David and I park our cars.  Regular trucks with guys wearing jeans and a regular t-shirt except they have a badge around their neck.  Crazy!! Anyways, David's mom and I watched out the window for a while as the one Sheriff car left with the next door neighbor in the back seat, and the remaining cops searching the three cars in the drive way as well as going through stacks of papers in the house.  We could see into their front room.  It was crazy, not something you see happening here every day.  Eventually I went out there and one of the cops moved his truck so that I could leave.  We do not know what happened or why this man was arrested, we have many speculations but what we do know is that David'd mom could hear a cop talking in her cell phone saying that they have enough evidence to nail him...with what we do not know.  Unfortunately we do not even know the man's name or I would be all over trying to search the world wide web to see what the man next door has been up to.
      Interesting enough this was not the first time something like this has happened to me.  One Sunday morning David and I were at my moms house.  I was getting ready for church when David tells me there is a cop outside of my room and a full on SWAT team.  A guy who was staying with his grandma had done a bomb threat on a few local churches and the SWAT team even brought out the battering ram to get inside of the garage where this young man had been staying.  The SWAT team came to our front door and ended up telling us that we had to evacuate and couldn't come back until later that night.

      By the way, the reason we had to evacuate, was because there was threat of a bomb going off in the neighborhood. Can you believe that? It was crazy and something I will never forget. 

This Day In History: 1845
The U.S. Naval Academy opens in Annapolis, Maryland, with 50 midshipmen students and seven professors.

Born This Day: 1813
Giuseppe Verdi - Italian opera composer.

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
 -Albert Einstein

Pictures of SWAT searching the house and cars.
They are messy.

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