Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eighty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Raina and I went to church this morning, just like any other Sunday morning.  Getting up a little late and not realizing the time until we had to rush to get ready and get out of the house to make it to church on time.  And by "on time" I mean pulling into the parking lot two minutes late and walking in while worship has already started like half the people there.  We were in such a rush to get to church on time, that Raina left behind her phone and her Bible.  If you know Raina, she feels naked without her phone.  She wouldn't last a couple of hours without her phone if she had the choice.  I am afraid I am becoming the same way.  She had to call my parents and ask them to grab it on their way out so that they could bring it to her when we met up after church.  The other item she forget, is just a little vital to going to church.  So, she ended up using my phone and the Bible app I have as her "Bible" for church today.  It was a good study and everything was working out with her using the phone.  That is it was working out, right up until the end, when she decided to close up all the apps on my phone, hoping to save some power on the phone.  Instead of shutting off all the apps, she ended up opening the Pandora app.  If you don't know what Pandora is, then you are probably older and haven't caught up with the technological times.  Either way, I will still explain to you that it is an app or website set up to bring music to the masses.  Layman's terms, it is basically a radio station on the internet.  A place to listen to music.  Music comes out of the speakers when you turn it on.  Does that explain it enough?  You see how this can be a problem when turned on while in church, right?  Yup, it was pretty funny watching Raina get startled by the music and then rush to try to shut if off.  Hitting buttons and shaking the phone.  For a second, I though she might throw the phone away and hope nobody would look at her.  I think she could feel all kinds of eyes staring at her like daggers.  The truth is more likely that a few people thought it was funny and then quickly forgot.  Although, I won't forget and I am sure I will eventually get myself into trouble by bringing it up more often then I should.  I will laugh, Raina will get angry with me and then she will hit me.  It is okay though, I will probably deserve it.  I will still laugh at myself though.

This Day In History: 1947
U.S. Air Force test pilot Chuck Yeager becomes the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound, reaching a velocity of more than 662 miles per hour at 40,000 feet in the X-1 rocket plane.

Born This Day: 1890
Dwight D. Eisenhower - Five star U.S. Army general who became the 34th U.S. president.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I found the instructions, now I just need to find an Ikea that actually carries one.

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