Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Two

Dear Readers,
      It is going to be another long day.  Or should I say that it has already been a very long day and will continue into the night.  We had to replace a large valve that we broke last night, which means a long day of work in and of itself.  Now that I have finished that job and finally gotten back to our yard, I have to get ready and head out to start another job.  A job that must be done after hours so that we don't shut the school that is in our area of work out of water.  There are just a few places that will force our jobs to be rescheduled.  Whenever we have to shut off a medical building, dental office, or school.  Even needing to make slight adjustments for business's that use lots of water.  This time, it's a school.  Starting out job after 6:00PM, when all the kids have left for the night.  It just means more headaches for me and having to wait even longer to finally get a shower.  Just for another week, is what I keep telling myself.  It will all be worth it when I get that paycheck.  I hope.
      On the subject of work.  Why is it that the people who cry and complain the most and loudest end up getting the most preferential treatment.  It seems like the ones that create the most waves and the most headaches for everyone else end up with the most rewards in the end.  Partially because the bosses don't want to deal with them, so they give them what they want or a semblance of a compromise to get them to shut up for a while.  Which ends up leaving the guys that are good workers, that don't complain, that go the extra mile without expecting anything in return end up on the short end of the stick.  Things like this really get me upset.  I don't get why this is allowed to continue to happen.  I know it isn't just a my job that these things happen.  I know I am not the only one who has to deal with this and sees this on a daily basis.  You would think that every so often, one of those hard working/extra mile employees ends up becoming the boss and then puts a stop to it.  I have yet to see it happen though.  Maybe the fact that we are public works plays a part in it.  I would think it is less of a problem in the private sector, but I am sure it still happens.  I would like to think that if I ever did become a boss in some sort of way again, that I would not allow it to continue.  It just really bugs the crap out of me.  Especially when it is a reward of some sort, while I am here busting my butt and not even getting the fair treatment I feel I deserve.  I would like to think that I have a good sense of these things.  I am not one to expect something for nothing.  I just think that if you are going to reward someone for doing nothing but complaining, why wouldn't you then at least reward the ones who are doing their jobs without complaining and who are going above and beyond.  Why?  I need to start my own business.  Then I would be my own boss and I would only get to complain to myself and reward myself at the same time.  Not having to watch it happen and continue to be out of my control.  Ridiculous.

This Day In History: 1867
The U.S. took formal possession of Alaska from Russia. The land was purchased of a total of $7 million dollars (2 cents per acre)

Born This Day: 1939
Mike Ditka - Hall of Fame NFL player.

"Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character.  But if you must be without one, be without the strategy."
- Norman Schwarzkopf

Now I can become a home scientist.

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