Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Seven

Dear Readers,
      My final day on standby!  Hallelujah!  And to think, the guy who was supposed to have this next week of standby had to give it up and they raffled it off today to anybody who who wanted it.  I had to throw my name in the hat, because it is just too much overtime and free hours to pass up, but a big part of me is very thankful I didn't get it.  Now I get to finish out my last night and go home after work tomorrow to have a pleasant evening with my wife.
      Why are most people naturally complainers?  It seems like there are so many complainers out there.  I see it a lot in my job.  Working out in the public eye and on public streets draws attention, and every little thing you do might be misunderstood to the person who doesn't understand exactly what you are doing.  People complaining about there grass not being put back perfectly.  People complaining that the street is stained from the dirt pile that was out there.  People complaining that there water was shut off.  People complaining about the loud equipment being used on their street.  People complaining that worker are taking their lunch and there happens to be five city trucks at the same lunch spot.  People complaining about the way we drive.  People complaining about the water leaking and complaining that it hasn't been fixed already.  People complaining that the street is blocked off because of the workers trying to fix a water main that had blown out and was causing a huge sink hole in the street.  All they care about is their route being blocked off.  Then there are those who don't care if there is traffic delineation up.  They just go through anyways, or even drive the in the opposite lane of traffic into opposing traffic.  So many bad and stupid drivers, and then they complain that it is our fault that their way to work was blocked or extra busy because of our work.  Sometimes they don't actually complain, they just give us a friendly honk and a big middle finger as they drive by.  Sometimes along with a few obscenities.  I just wave and say thank you to them.  I know it probably just ticks them off even more, which is why I love to do it.  It's dangerous out there for us.  And then after dodging bad drivers all day, we get to come back and here from out bosses about the complaints we get and how we need to do things differently to appease people perceptions of us.  Ridiculous.  How about we get a boss that actually goes to bat for us and maybe sticks his neck out for us a little.  Wouldn't that be nice.  Nope.  No real support from up above.  Things like that make me want to get into management, so that I can be the different one, but I would rather not deal with the politics.  If I was there in that position though, I would like to think I would be different.

This Day In History: 1929
In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged starting the stock-market crash that began the Great Depression.

Born This Day: 1869
John (William) Heisman - Recognized as one of the greatest innovators of the game of football.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln

Hulk Smash!!!  Or maybe Hulk Authenticate!!!

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