Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eighty Five

Dear Readers,
      I got myself a new shirt today.  No, I didn't go out shopping for new clothes.  No, I didn't find it out on the street while at work.  No, I didn't steal it from a bum's hidden cache of trinkets and treasures.  I had it made. One of my co workers does screen printing on the side.  The funny part is that he is also a fellow bearded brother.  Let me give you a little preface to what and why the shirt I had made is all about.  Last year, while I was growing my beard out on a much smaller scale than this year, I just so happened to be growing it during the month of October.  So I came up with a twist on Octoberfest.  I kept calling it Octobeardfest, in honor of me happening to be growing out a beard at that time.  Now, here we are in the month of October, and I have the longest beard of my life.  So, I had my co worker, Josh, make a shirt honoring this special month and it's celebration of Octobeardfest.  So let's all celebrate this special event together.  Everyone should be growing a beard right now.  Everyone should be celebrating.  Then everyone can get one of these new awesome shirts in honor of the beard.  Movember is overrated.  Octobeardfest is where it is at.

      There is a Beard and Mustache competition in Las Vegas exactly a month from today.  Josh and I joked about going out and throwing ourselves into the mix.  They have a freestyle category.  I just wish they had a facial hair mess that cannot be controlled category.  It would be awesome to go out there and see all those other bearded brothers and maybe even get a little recognition for all the hard work that has gone into growing a beard for ten months.  All the months of conditioning and combing out.  It gets really tangled and can be painful to comb out.  Believe me though, it has been worth it.  Love the beard and love the shirt.  Don't think I will be able to make it out to Las Vegas to compete, but I still have another eighty one days to enjoy it.

This Day In History: 1809
American western explorer Meriweather Lewis, who led the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition across western North America, kills himself in Tennessee at age 35.

Born This Day: 1961
Steve Young - American professional football player. (49ers)

"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession.  I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
-Ronald W. Reagan

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