Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day Three Hundred Four

Dear Readers,
      I was shown tonight a video collection on YouTube called How It Should Have Ended.  It is these guys who made this short cartoons about how all different kinds of movies should have ended.  In a joking manner that is.  I watched the Avengers and Thor ones tonight.  I found them to be hilarious and plan on watching the rest.  If you love superheros or other movies of that type, then definitely check this out on YouTube.  Even if you are just a fan of funny videos or laughter, then check it out. I have to thank Chris Allen for showing it to me.  It made my night after a mostly boring day of work.
      Speaking of work, we had a luncheon to honor one of our retirees.  A man who has worked for over 25 years at the City of Garden Grove.  Retiring after having a mild heart attack about six months ago.  He is a bit older, since he started a little late at the city.  Spending his younger days at another job and spending a few years in the Air Force.  Now he finally gets to retire and spend it doing some of the things he loves to do, which includes working out and biking.  It was interesting to see him react to the whole situation.  He got really emotional and sad to be leaving.  For over 25 years he has been getting up in the morning during the week and spending it with mostly the same people.  Sure people have come and gone, but there is a camaraderie that happens with co workers who you actually spend more time with then most family members, if you really think about it.  Now for him, that all ends.  No more waking up early.  No more daily routine of working out during his lunch break.  No more seeing those same people on a daily basis.  I am sure it is not the last we will see of him, but it will definitely be different not having him around.  It made me think a little about what it might be like when I finally retire from this place.  Raina even asked me if I thought I would be emotional when it came time for me to leave.  I don't know.  Who knows if I will even make it that long.  What if I go work somewhere else or worse?  What if I don't even live that long and get to enjoy my retirement?  There are still too many variables to the situation, but I think there is a good chance that if I do stick around that long, I will get a little emotional.  It must be a little bit like being institutionalized.  Just like in the Shawshank Redemption.  (You better get that reference.  Great movie.)  You just get so used to doing the same thing day in and day out and seeing the same person day in and day out.  Maybe that is why it seems like some people who retire just speed up their aging process.  At least it seems that way for some people.  Some really enjoy and take advantage of retirement, while others can't handle not being busy and not being at work.  I hope I am not one the latter.  I want to be able to enjoy many years of retirement with my wife, but we are too young to be thinking about that seriously.  For now, let us start with the house buying process.

This Day In History: 1974
American boxer Muhammad Ali scores an upset victory over George Foreman in eight rounds.  The match, called the "Rumble in the Jungle," was held in Zaire.

Born This Day: 1821
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky - Russian novelist and short story writer.

"The best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance."
-Ruth Gordon

Geeks being cool.

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