Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day Three Hundred

Dear Readers,
      I woke up thinking it was going to be a lazy day. Lounging around the house playing video games and catching up with the DVR. It didn't work out that way, but that's okay. It started out with Raina asking me to drive out to her dad's work to drop of something that she had of his. So when Raina headed off to work this morning, I headed off to Long Beach to see my father in law, Mark. He works for a place called Murray Company, which does large scale plumbing construction. I had never been to his new offices, so I got myself a tour of the grounds. Checking out the prefab shop and getting to visit with my brother in law, Brent, whom also happens to work there. It was my job to distract them. They both looked like they didn't have much work to do anyways. It was cool getting to check out the new place and seeing how things operated after only hearing about it before.
      Instead of heading straight back home afterwards, I made a trip to Sports Authority to find a lanyard for Raina. Not just any lanyard though, but a Dodgers lanyard. She needs it for her new waitressing job. So I went on a bit of a wild goose chase to find one. Sports Authority didn't carry any, which seemed strange to me. So then I ventured over to the Cerritos Mall to see if one of the sports fan gear stores had any. I struck gold at the Fanzzz store, which had about six for me to choose from. It was interesting walking through that mall. I hadn't been in there for at least a couple of years, except to watch a movie at their theater once or twice. Things have changed and stores have moved around. Including the addition of a super fantabulously awesome new store called Geeky Mamas. It was the store of my dreams.  Can't you tell by the name?  Nothing but Star Wars and superhero action figures and shirts and Legos and countless other fanboy material.  I found a couple of awesome shirts, including this one that incorporates two of my favorites, Star Wars and Calvin and Hobbes.
      They even had this cool modification of the old couple from Up.  Check it out.
      I was in heaven walking around in that store. It made me wish I had a ton of money to just spend on extra fanboy material for myself.  I could have just about emptied that store out.  There was that much great stuff there.  I didn't want to leave, but I had plans to have lunch with Brandon and Brooke.  So off I went, but not without snapping a few pictures on the way out. 
      After walking around the Cerritos Mall and meeting Brandon and Brooke for lunch, it was off to run a couple of errands before finally heading home.  Stopping by the storage unit and I forgot to say that I finally got my truck washed this morning.  It was pretty filthy.  Especially after sitting parked at work for a whole week.  I then finished off my day with Raina at a Homecoming football game that my niece, Kailee, was cheering at.  It was a lot of fun being at the game and watching Kailee to see just how much she has improved.  Which she happens to continually be getting better.  Then there was the whole keeping the nephews entertained and keeping them close by.  First you have one entertained, and then the next one is bored and is trying to get away.  Always a show.  Even little Micah has gotten in on the action.  You gotta love those kids though. 

This Day In History: 1955
American teen idol James Dean appears in the film Rebel Without a Cause, one of only three movies he made in a brief career cut short by a fatal car crash.

Born This Day: 1854
C. W. Post - American founder of Post Cereals.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
-Albert Einstein

Pictures of my day.
The super cool new store.

Joseph the rascal.

Kailee the sweetheart.

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