Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day Three Hundred One

Dear Readers,
      As I sit here to type up my blog, I am surrounded by little kids on Raina and my bed.  Why, may you ask?  Because they are watching a Disney cartoon on our TV.  It is pretty funny to see all the kids crammed on the bed while I am sitting here with my laptop trying to finish my blog for the day.  It is pretty funny to hear them interact with the show.  When Mickey asks them if they can find Minnie and Daisy, they yell back that they are behind them on the screen.  Gotta love all the kids in one place.  Just little Micah is the quiet one watching intently to the show.
      It was an evening of family time.  Celebrating Raina's birthday with my family.  We chipped in together to make one of Raina's favorite meals.  Taquitos.  Homemade that is.  I grew up on my mom cooking up taquitos with rice and beans.  And of course we always had to have guacamole and sour cream to dip them.  So, between Yoli, my mom and I, we worked together to make dinner.  I think we ended up with about eighty rolled up taquitos to feed everyone.  Well, maybe not that many, but it seemed like it.  Hopefully there is plenty for me to take to work for my lunch this week. 
      After stuffing our guts full of food, we carved up some pumpkins.  Yup, we pulled out the special table cloth and started to chop open some pumpkins.  You know how it works, right?  Cutting open the top of the pumpkin skull and pulling out all the pumpkin brains.  Getting slime all over your hand as you try to scrape the inside clean.  Then you pick out a stencil to use, so that you can tape it to the pumpkin to poke out an outline of your picture.  You never want to pick one with too much detail though, otherwise it takes forever to do.  Eventually your hand starts to cramp up trying to get all the little pieces of excess pumpkin parts out.  All without trying to damage any of the previous work done.  It is all a very delicate process.  So, the more detail to finish means the more cramping in the hand and the longer it will take.  Of course, I made Raina help me out with a Star Wars themed carving.  A clone trooper that didn't completely fit on the pumpkin we picked out.  We made it work out though.  All in all, another successful night with the family.

This Day In History: 1858
Roland Macy opened Macy's Department Store in New York City. It was Macy's eighth business adventure, the other seven failed.

Born This Day: 1858
Theodore Roosevelt - Former U.S. President.

"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity."
-Albert Einstein

Pictures of the evening.
Don't I look so excited to be making taquitos?

And it begins.

Pumpkin guts everywhere.

Kailee doesn't look to excited to see Raina taking a picture of her.

The finished products.

More product.
This one is Raina's and mine.

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