Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eighty One

Dear Readers,
      Our day turned into a cleaning day today.  Raina got into a cleaning frenzy and I joined her.  Organizing our one bedroom.  Dusting and sweeping.  Thoroughly cleaning our fan, which had been caked with dust.  Taking it apart piece by piece to clean every part.  And after all the cleaning and organizing, we still have a clutter of stuff.  We just have too much stuff for this small room.  Our bedroom is also our living room and our office.  For example, here I am doing my blog on my computer, sitting on our bed, watching the latest episode of Elementary.  That new show based on Sherlock Holmes in the current era. I can't wait until all those home spaces are their own spaces again, instead of cramming them into one.
      After cleaning all morning, it was lunch with my parents at Johnny Reb's, teaching my nephews how to make a mess of peanut shells in a restaurant.  Then back to the house for a little cleaning and getting started on that new Star Wars puzzle.  All before an evening of dinner and live theater.  Yup, we went to the Pirate Dinner Theater in Buena Park.  It wasn't your normal run of the mill show though.  It had a twist.  It was the Vampirate Dinner Theater.  That's right, it was vampire pirates, taking us in as prisoners, not for booty, but for our blood.  It was an interesting twist to the show and very entertaining acrobatics.  Cheering on our "Yellow" pirate to win in the multiple competitions in the show.  Unfortunately, we got one of the worst pirates.  He didn't win anything.  Including the ones including people watching the show.  Which included Brandon in some things.  It was great watching him try to get a yellow ball passed between our rows so that the "Yellow" guy could win his competition.  Then it was even funnier to watch Brandon go on board the "ship" while he swore in as a pirate with a group of kids.  Getting him to do the funky chicken and wave his arms, and then refuse to shake his booty on stage when prompted to.  Letting his pride get in the way.  He just sticks out more by not doing anything while all the kids have fun.  Just have some fun Brandon and let loose.  It made for enjoyment for the rest of us though.  It was a blast and I'm glad we did it.

This Day In History: 1913
Henry Ford's American automobile factory begins to run on a moving assembly line, with sub assemblies such as magnetos, engines, and transmissions.  A system for assembling the entire car was soon to follow.

Born This Day: 1955
Yo-Yo Ma - French born American cello virtuoso.

"It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it."
-Robert E. Lee

Some pictures of our dinner theater.

Our Vampirate for the evening. Yellow!

There is a person under that beard.

Brandon with all the kids getting sworn in as a pirate.

Sworn in from the "book".

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