Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day Three Hundred Two

Dear Readers,
      Another day down and another day spent celebrating Raina's birthday.  Not to mention, I got a gift for myself.  Raina has been hooked on this Facebook group called Lakewood Trash and Treasure, which is basically a group that allows for people to post things they want to sell.  You have to live locally though, so you can just drive to each others house to pick up and sell everything you want.  Like a local Craigs List.  Someone just so happened to post some Star Wars toys.  Yes, I said Star Wars.  They weren't originals though, but still in the box.  Some from when the newest trilogy came out and some a little older than that.  I had to go see what he had left to sell.  So, off I went to check out this guys stash of toys.  It was a huge find for me.  All thanks to my wonderful wife.  He was selling action figures still in the box for only $2 a piece.  He said they were just taking up room and he didn't really have the space for them.  I was more then happy to take all 40 of them off his hands.  They will be a welcome addition to my growing collection of Star Wars memorabilia and toy gallery.  Especially for such a cheap price.  Unfortunately, I didn't get there soon enough to get the really good stuff he had already sold before.  I'll keep looking though.  You just never know where you might find that diamond hiding.
      As I have already said, we celebrated Raina's birthday again.  This time, with her family, by heading out to Lucky Strike for some Shuffleboard action.  Raina had never played and wanted to go out to try it.  So there we were, playing shuffleboard.  It is one of those games that is a blast to play with a group.  If I someday have room for it, I would love to have one in my house.  It might be hard to have room for it though.  Nice to dream about though.  After playing shuffleboard for a couple of hours, we headed over to Slaters 50/50 for a fatty and delicious dinner.  If you have never been there or heard of it, look it up.  Fantastic little place that makes burger patties that are half ground beef and half ground bacon.  Seriously, half ground bacon.  How awesome is that.  They give you a sheet like you are ordering sushi and let you create your burger the way you want it.  Then you get to name it.  Whatever name you want.  Then, when they bring it out to you, they serve it to you while they call out whatever you may have named it.  Since my burger today had a spicy flair to it, I called it the Dragon's Breath.  I might pay for it later on, but it was awesome to eat.  Then Raina was able to top of her own fantastic burger with a bacon brownie, with a couple of scoops of ice cream.  Don't let the bacon scare you off, it works and it was delicious.  Bacon is the meat of the gods.  It goes with everything.  Even deserts.  Try it out.

This Day In History: 1636
The "Great and General Court of Massachusetts" designates 400 pounds to establish a "schoale or college." The first classes were held two years later, and the college was named Harvard.

Born This Day: 1955
Bill Gates - American computer software mogul, founder of Microsoft.

"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
-Dr. Jonas Salk

Raina's birthday evening.
Playing some shuffleboard.

The whole gangs here.

My best shot of the day.

I think Raina is a natural.

The infamous Bacon Brownie.

Raina and our niece, McKenna.

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