Friday, October 5, 2012

Day Two Hundred Seventy Eight

Dear Readers,
     Okay, last night I fell asleep before I could finish my blog.  I got my computer already, and then I decided I want to play game on my Xbox.  I stopped playing with enough time to finish my blog, but Raina was using my computer.  I could feel myself getting tired, but I didn't want to go take the computer away from her. So, I laid down for a minute. Before I knew it, Raina was waking me up to let me know I was sleeping with all my clothes still on. I faintly remember changing and then Raina cuddling up next to me. It is all just a haze at this point. If Raina was trying to have a serious conversation with me, then I hope she doesn't hold anything against me for what I might have said. When I am incoherent like that, there is no telling what might come out of my mouth. She may have just waken me up in the middle of one of my crazy dreams. I might have started calling her Yoda or Shortround. Or possibly some crazy alien names that may have come from the twisted darkness of my inner dreams. Who knows?  My dreams can be twisted and weird, like something out of the mind of Tim Burton. Always entertaining. Never a dull moment, but this is just the tip of the iceberg of what Raina has to deal with. Raina is always telling me that she didn't realize how much of a geek I was, until after we were married. I tell her that I had to keep it suppressed just long enough to catch. Now she is stuck with me and can't use it as a reason to not marry me. I know better. Now she has to accept me for who I am. Geek and all. As a side note, the fact that I can type this up on my phone while at work is fantastic. Now I can make the most of my lunch break. Instead of just napping in my truck, I can use that time to blog. Saving my time later in the day for activities.
      Back to my wife's tragedy of having a geek as a husband. The other day an important subject was brought up and lightly discussed between a few of us geeks. The Hobbit is about to come out in theaters and a friend brought up the fact that he was going to have to reread the book before he saw it in the theaters. Then mentioned that it might be cool to have a book club to discuss the book. Thinking it might be a little weird to do that as a group of men. I was quick to come in with the support. I think a men's book club focused on our combined special interest would be awesome. Think about all the things we could learn from one another. Things we had missed while reading the book ourselves or looking at something a different way then we had in our own mind. It could be expanded into not only a book club, but a comic book club. Discussing the intricacies of different superheroes and villains and what makes them tick. Answering the all famous question, which superhero you would be?  If only the person suggesting our fictional book club lived near by, then we could make it a reality. I know there would be more who would join the fold after realizing that being a geek is actually cool these days. Getting over their self consciousness. Hey, I can dream.

This Day In History:1970
American singer Janis Joplin dies from a heroin overdose at the Landmark Hotel in Hollywood, California.

Born This Day: 1924
Charlton Heston -  American actor

"Truth never damages a cause that is just."
-Mahatma (Mohandas K.) Gandhi


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