Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day Two Hundred Niney Four

Dear Readers,
     Just the other day, my dad asked Raina and I if we were going to be moving out before Christmas.  I shouldn't say he asked as much as he lightly threatened with a "You guys aren't moving out before Christmas, are you?".  I have come to the realization that my dad actually enjoys having us there.  I would think that most parents couldn't be rid of their kids too soon once they got older.  My dad is the opposite of most parents I think.  He must like having people at the house.  Someone to chat with every once and a while.  Somebody to make food for.  My dad does happen to make the best breakfasts around.  That is probably where I get it from, since breakfast is usually my specialty in our home.  Meaning, in the home Raina and I used to have to ourselves.  Now that we are sharing, I have passed the torch back to my dad.  Raina loves it too.  There have been a number of times where she hints to me that she would like to have a breakfast made by my dad.  I usually then turn it around on her, telling her that she should ask my dad since she has become the favorite.  It is really neat to see my dad willing to go above and beyond to bless Raina in a variety of different ways.  Cooking breakfast being one of them.  I actually think he may prefer her to me.  It is a nice sentiment to think how much my dad enjoys having us there.  Somebody to go out to eat with.  He is always asking us to go out to eat with him when he isn't already making food for us.  Or even calling us on his way home to see if we want him to pick something up for us.  I am pretty sure that he has spoiled us more than my mother has.  You would think it would be the opposite.  The only fear I have of his desire to have us stay there is that it will stretch beyond when we are at our predetermined time to be living there.  Next thing you know he will be making sure we aren't leaving before Valentines Day.  Then Easter.  Then Fourth of July.  I joke around, but I am afraid of making my dad sad to see us go.  It just means that we will have to make more time for family once we have a home of our own again.  Hopefully it will be a large enough house that we can have the family over more often without feeling too crowded, like we were at our old place.  Or maybe we will just be having my dad over more often on his own.  Either way, I am glad our stay at my parents house has been smooth and without any contention.  A blessing for sure.  I can't wait to be back over there and done with standby.

This Day In History: 1873
A Hippodrome was opened in New York City by showman Phineus T. (P.T.) Barnum.

Born This Day: 1931
Mickey Mantle - Hall of Fame MLB player.

"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it."
-Theodore Roosevelt

How awesome is this helmet?

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