Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day Three Hundred Five

Dear Readers,
      Today I am blogging from the road. Far from home. All the way out in Huntington Beach, at the Bella Terra. Tonight I am spending my Halloween at Buffalo Wild Wings. It is opening day at the restaurant and Raina's official first day. What a day to be opening a restaurant up. It doesn't seem like this would be the best day to be opening up. Aren't most people busy today. Trick or treating or going to parties. Even Raina and I originally had plans for tonight. We were going to go see a movie. The theater here at Bella Terra is playing Young Frankenstein for one night only. It would have been cool to go see, but we got something better in the trade off. Raina is working tonight instead of working Saturday. So we can spend Saturday together. Which is going to be necessary considering I won't be seeing her the next couple days. She will be working both nights. Also considering that tomorrow is our anniversary for when we got together. That's right, 14 years together tomorrow. I originally told Raina that the anniversary had been replaced with our wedding anniversary, but she wasn't having it. She said that she has put in too much work all these years and wasn't giving it up. So we celebrate both now. Oh we'll, it's just another excuse for us to go out. Might as well take advantage of it.
      Yesterday, George Lucas sold Lucasfilm and all the Star Wars rights to Disney. It was promptly announced that there will be a new Star Wars live action movie coming out in 2015. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Excited about the prospect of a new movie coming out and a continued storyline. And at the same, worried that there is a possibility that all the nostalgia and history and great storytelling could be ruined by a new movie. I want to hold out hope of something great being done with the Star Wars franchise. Maybe that TV show they had rumored all those years ago. By the way, 4.05 billion dollars?  That is a ton of money. George Lucas has more than enough money for the rest of his life. Probably enough for him, his kids and all his grand kids. Disney will get there money's worth if they are smart about it. Star Wars, always a smart investment.

This Day In History: 1517
Martin Luther, a professor of biblical interpretation at the University of Wittenberg in Germany, nails his 95 revolutionary theses on the door of the Castle Church.

Born This Day: 1795
John Keats - English poet.

"Many have original minds who do not think it--they are led away by custom."
-John Keats

Love funny pictures.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day Three Hundred Four

Dear Readers,
      I was shown tonight a video collection on YouTube called How It Should Have Ended.  It is these guys who made this short cartoons about how all different kinds of movies should have ended.  In a joking manner that is.  I watched the Avengers and Thor ones tonight.  I found them to be hilarious and plan on watching the rest.  If you love superheros or other movies of that type, then definitely check this out on YouTube.  Even if you are just a fan of funny videos or laughter, then check it out. I have to thank Chris Allen for showing it to me.  It made my night after a mostly boring day of work.
      Speaking of work, we had a luncheon to honor one of our retirees.  A man who has worked for over 25 years at the City of Garden Grove.  Retiring after having a mild heart attack about six months ago.  He is a bit older, since he started a little late at the city.  Spending his younger days at another job and spending a few years in the Air Force.  Now he finally gets to retire and spend it doing some of the things he loves to do, which includes working out and biking.  It was interesting to see him react to the whole situation.  He got really emotional and sad to be leaving.  For over 25 years he has been getting up in the morning during the week and spending it with mostly the same people.  Sure people have come and gone, but there is a camaraderie that happens with co workers who you actually spend more time with then most family members, if you really think about it.  Now for him, that all ends.  No more waking up early.  No more daily routine of working out during his lunch break.  No more seeing those same people on a daily basis.  I am sure it is not the last we will see of him, but it will definitely be different not having him around.  It made me think a little about what it might be like when I finally retire from this place.  Raina even asked me if I thought I would be emotional when it came time for me to leave.  I don't know.  Who knows if I will even make it that long.  What if I go work somewhere else or worse?  What if I don't even live that long and get to enjoy my retirement?  There are still too many variables to the situation, but I think there is a good chance that if I do stick around that long, I will get a little emotional.  It must be a little bit like being institutionalized.  Just like in the Shawshank Redemption.  (You better get that reference.  Great movie.)  You just get so used to doing the same thing day in and day out and seeing the same person day in and day out.  Maybe that is why it seems like some people who retire just speed up their aging process.  At least it seems that way for some people.  Some really enjoy and take advantage of retirement, while others can't handle not being busy and not being at work.  I hope I am not one the latter.  I want to be able to enjoy many years of retirement with my wife, but we are too young to be thinking about that seriously.  For now, let us start with the house buying process.

This Day In History: 1974
American boxer Muhammad Ali scores an upset victory over George Foreman in eight rounds.  The match, called the "Rumble in the Jungle," was held in Zaire.

Born This Day: 1821
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky - Russian novelist and short story writer.

"The best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance."
-Ruth Gordon

Geeks being cool.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Day Three Hundred Three

Dear Readers,
      The other day I had lunch with Brandon and Brooke.  After finishing up our lunch together, Brooke headed over to the Goodwill next door.  Hoping to find a costume, seeing as her and Brandon were planning on helping out with a church festival that day.  One of those festivals with games and free candy and food for all the local neighborhood.  They were encouraged to dress up for the event, seeing as they were helpers.  Brooke looked high and low, and then finally found a poodle skirt.  She planned on dressing up in a 50's getup, hoping that Brandon would follow suit.  Since it would be an easy costume for him to create.  Most guys have it in their closets already.  Just a matter of cuffing up your jeans with a white t-shirt tucked in.  Maybe a little extra gel in the hair with a comb and a pack of those bubble gum cigarette candies.  Simple, right?  Well, Brandon would have nothing to do with it.  Well, he didn't exactly say no, as much as he just made it clear that he didn't want to but would if Brooke pushed the matter.  Meaning that he wasn't going to do it, because Brooke wouldn't force him to do something he really didn't want to do.  Therefore, all that searching Brooke did, was all for naught, because she wasn't going to go dressed up while Brandon didn't.  What a party pooper Brandon was.  Yes, I am giving him a hard time for something this simple, because who doesn't like to dress up and have a good time.  Why not just let loose a little.  It isn't like he would have been the only one dressed up at the shindig.  If I had a place to go and dress up for, I would have loved to do it.  Just think about all the possibilities that could incorporate a beard.  I probably won't ever have a beard this long for Halloween again.  It would have been great to be a lumberjack or gold miner or Joaquin Phoenix when it seemed like he went crazy.  I'm not into the whole spirit of Halloween or anything, but I think it can be fun to dress up.  Some people come up with the craziest costumes.  Who wouldn't want to be Iron Man for one night.  I could have even been one of the crazy guys from Duck Dynasty.  I guess I will just have to get a fake beard for another time.  It just bummed me out to see Brandon not grasp at the opportunity to be Snake Eyes or Batman.  And he dragged Brooke into it with him.  Shame.  He he he.
      As a side note.  I am a huge Dodger fan and I HATE the Giants.  I am a bitter Dodger fan right now.  I refuse to give any credit or recognition to the Giants.  They got lucky and took advantage of it.  I HATE that they now have two World Series titles in the last three years.  Bitter bitter bitter.  I really need to see the Dodgers in the playoffs next year.  I have been waiting too long.  This is not some team in a small market with no money.  This is the Dodgers!  They are supposed to be the class of the west coast.  A west coast version of the Yankees, but with the Evil Empire stigma.  The family owned baseball team that has that magic to have amazing seasons.  I think I can trace back to when the magic actually left.  I want to say it was that fateful day the Dodgers traded away Mike Piazza.  That was the downward spiral that left us with so many depressing seasons.  I know the obvious choice would have been to say that it was after Kirk Gibson hit that miracle home run and the Dodgers came back to win the series in 1988.  I think there was still some magic left in the tank though.  When the Dodgers were sold to the dreaded FOX and Mike Piazza was traded away for nothing in return.  That was the two defining moments of when the downward spiral started.  I really hope this new ownership group does something to bring the magic back, and I'm not speaking in reference of Magic Johnson.  Some real baseball magic.  The Jackie Robinson, Don Drysdale, Sandy Koufax kind of magic.  Don't waste Clayton Kershaw's and Matt Kemp's best years.  Please.

This Day In History: 1945
The first American ballpoint pen (an unauthorized knock-off of an invention by the Hungarian Laszlo Biro) goes on sale for $12.95 and rakes in $100,000 for its manufacturer.

Born This Day: 1947
Richard Dreyfuss - American actor (Mr. Holland's Opus)

"There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves."
-Albert Guinon

Speaking of beards, this is a co worker of mine.  He has actually been growing it longer than me.  Beard Brothers to the end!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day Three Hundred Two

Dear Readers,
      Another day down and another day spent celebrating Raina's birthday.  Not to mention, I got a gift for myself.  Raina has been hooked on this Facebook group called Lakewood Trash and Treasure, which is basically a group that allows for people to post things they want to sell.  You have to live locally though, so you can just drive to each others house to pick up and sell everything you want.  Like a local Craigs List.  Someone just so happened to post some Star Wars toys.  Yes, I said Star Wars.  They weren't originals though, but still in the box.  Some from when the newest trilogy came out and some a little older than that.  I had to go see what he had left to sell.  So, off I went to check out this guys stash of toys.  It was a huge find for me.  All thanks to my wonderful wife.  He was selling action figures still in the box for only $2 a piece.  He said they were just taking up room and he didn't really have the space for them.  I was more then happy to take all 40 of them off his hands.  They will be a welcome addition to my growing collection of Star Wars memorabilia and toy gallery.  Especially for such a cheap price.  Unfortunately, I didn't get there soon enough to get the really good stuff he had already sold before.  I'll keep looking though.  You just never know where you might find that diamond hiding.
      As I have already said, we celebrated Raina's birthday again.  This time, with her family, by heading out to Lucky Strike for some Shuffleboard action.  Raina had never played and wanted to go out to try it.  So there we were, playing shuffleboard.  It is one of those games that is a blast to play with a group.  If I someday have room for it, I would love to have one in my house.  It might be hard to have room for it though.  Nice to dream about though.  After playing shuffleboard for a couple of hours, we headed over to Slaters 50/50 for a fatty and delicious dinner.  If you have never been there or heard of it, look it up.  Fantastic little place that makes burger patties that are half ground beef and half ground bacon.  Seriously, half ground bacon.  How awesome is that.  They give you a sheet like you are ordering sushi and let you create your burger the way you want it.  Then you get to name it.  Whatever name you want.  Then, when they bring it out to you, they serve it to you while they call out whatever you may have named it.  Since my burger today had a spicy flair to it, I called it the Dragon's Breath.  I might pay for it later on, but it was awesome to eat.  Then Raina was able to top of her own fantastic burger with a bacon brownie, with a couple of scoops of ice cream.  Don't let the bacon scare you off, it works and it was delicious.  Bacon is the meat of the gods.  It goes with everything.  Even deserts.  Try it out.

This Day In History: 1636
The "Great and General Court of Massachusetts" designates 400 pounds to establish a "schoale or college." The first classes were held two years later, and the college was named Harvard.

Born This Day: 1955
Bill Gates - American computer software mogul, founder of Microsoft.

"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
-Dr. Jonas Salk

Raina's birthday evening.
Playing some shuffleboard.

The whole gangs here.

My best shot of the day.

I think Raina is a natural.

The infamous Bacon Brownie.

Raina and our niece, McKenna.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day Three Hundred One

Dear Readers,
      As I sit here to type up my blog, I am surrounded by little kids on Raina and my bed.  Why, may you ask?  Because they are watching a Disney cartoon on our TV.  It is pretty funny to see all the kids crammed on the bed while I am sitting here with my laptop trying to finish my blog for the day.  It is pretty funny to hear them interact with the show.  When Mickey asks them if they can find Minnie and Daisy, they yell back that they are behind them on the screen.  Gotta love all the kids in one place.  Just little Micah is the quiet one watching intently to the show.
      It was an evening of family time.  Celebrating Raina's birthday with my family.  We chipped in together to make one of Raina's favorite meals.  Taquitos.  Homemade that is.  I grew up on my mom cooking up taquitos with rice and beans.  And of course we always had to have guacamole and sour cream to dip them.  So, between Yoli, my mom and I, we worked together to make dinner.  I think we ended up with about eighty rolled up taquitos to feed everyone.  Well, maybe not that many, but it seemed like it.  Hopefully there is plenty for me to take to work for my lunch this week. 
      After stuffing our guts full of food, we carved up some pumpkins.  Yup, we pulled out the special table cloth and started to chop open some pumpkins.  You know how it works, right?  Cutting open the top of the pumpkin skull and pulling out all the pumpkin brains.  Getting slime all over your hand as you try to scrape the inside clean.  Then you pick out a stencil to use, so that you can tape it to the pumpkin to poke out an outline of your picture.  You never want to pick one with too much detail though, otherwise it takes forever to do.  Eventually your hand starts to cramp up trying to get all the little pieces of excess pumpkin parts out.  All without trying to damage any of the previous work done.  It is all a very delicate process.  So, the more detail to finish means the more cramping in the hand and the longer it will take.  Of course, I made Raina help me out with a Star Wars themed carving.  A clone trooper that didn't completely fit on the pumpkin we picked out.  We made it work out though.  All in all, another successful night with the family.

This Day In History: 1858
Roland Macy opened Macy's Department Store in New York City. It was Macy's eighth business adventure, the other seven failed.

Born This Day: 1858
Theodore Roosevelt - Former U.S. President.

"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity."
-Albert Einstein

Pictures of the evening.
Don't I look so excited to be making taquitos?

And it begins.

Pumpkin guts everywhere.

Kailee doesn't look to excited to see Raina taking a picture of her.

The finished products.

More product.
This one is Raina's and mine.

Day Three Hundred

Dear Readers,
      I woke up thinking it was going to be a lazy day. Lounging around the house playing video games and catching up with the DVR. It didn't work out that way, but that's okay. It started out with Raina asking me to drive out to her dad's work to drop of something that she had of his. So when Raina headed off to work this morning, I headed off to Long Beach to see my father in law, Mark. He works for a place called Murray Company, which does large scale plumbing construction. I had never been to his new offices, so I got myself a tour of the grounds. Checking out the prefab shop and getting to visit with my brother in law, Brent, whom also happens to work there. It was my job to distract them. They both looked like they didn't have much work to do anyways. It was cool getting to check out the new place and seeing how things operated after only hearing about it before.
      Instead of heading straight back home afterwards, I made a trip to Sports Authority to find a lanyard for Raina. Not just any lanyard though, but a Dodgers lanyard. She needs it for her new waitressing job. So I went on a bit of a wild goose chase to find one. Sports Authority didn't carry any, which seemed strange to me. So then I ventured over to the Cerritos Mall to see if one of the sports fan gear stores had any. I struck gold at the Fanzzz store, which had about six for me to choose from. It was interesting walking through that mall. I hadn't been in there for at least a couple of years, except to watch a movie at their theater once or twice. Things have changed and stores have moved around. Including the addition of a super fantabulously awesome new store called Geeky Mamas. It was the store of my dreams.  Can't you tell by the name?  Nothing but Star Wars and superhero action figures and shirts and Legos and countless other fanboy material.  I found a couple of awesome shirts, including this one that incorporates two of my favorites, Star Wars and Calvin and Hobbes.
      They even had this cool modification of the old couple from Up.  Check it out.
      I was in heaven walking around in that store. It made me wish I had a ton of money to just spend on extra fanboy material for myself.  I could have just about emptied that store out.  There was that much great stuff there.  I didn't want to leave, but I had plans to have lunch with Brandon and Brooke.  So off I went, but not without snapping a few pictures on the way out. 
      After walking around the Cerritos Mall and meeting Brandon and Brooke for lunch, it was off to run a couple of errands before finally heading home.  Stopping by the storage unit and I forgot to say that I finally got my truck washed this morning.  It was pretty filthy.  Especially after sitting parked at work for a whole week.  I then finished off my day with Raina at a Homecoming football game that my niece, Kailee, was cheering at.  It was a lot of fun being at the game and watching Kailee to see just how much she has improved.  Which she happens to continually be getting better.  Then there was the whole keeping the nephews entertained and keeping them close by.  First you have one entertained, and then the next one is bored and is trying to get away.  Always a show.  Even little Micah has gotten in on the action.  You gotta love those kids though. 

This Day In History: 1955
American teen idol James Dean appears in the film Rebel Without a Cause, one of only three movies he made in a brief career cut short by a fatal car crash.

Born This Day: 1854
C. W. Post - American founder of Post Cereals.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
-Albert Einstein

Pictures of my day.
The super cool new store.

Joseph the rascal.

Kailee the sweetheart.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Nine

Dear Readers,
      I tried to watch the new Ghost Rider movie tonight.  The first one wasn't very good and I had a little hope that this one would be at least a little better.  I was completely wrong.  I didn't think they could make it worse, but they did.  I didn't even want to finish it.  I always finish movies, no matter how bad they are.  This one wasn't only bad though, it was a movie that ruined one of the greatest Marvel characters in comics.  Nicholas Cage at his worst.  Ghost Rider is an awesome character with awesome powers, and they can't make a decent movie about him.  There was nothing good about this movie and I didn't even finish it.  It is sad really.  To think about all those great comic book movies out there, culminating with the Avengers movie this year, and this one was the complete opposite.  They had two movies to get it right.  Third times a charm, right?  You know they have to remake it eventually.  Someone will try to make it right.  Hopefully finding someone to play the part right, because I don't think I can handle a third bad Ghost Rider movie.  It is a travesty to watch.  A sham of a Marvel movie.  And a mockery to good comics all around.  It's a traveshamockery!  So, in summary, don't waste your time watching the Ghost Rider movie.  Your time would be better spend getting a video camera and making your own at home.  Probably better acting at least.  Even a better storyline.  It really wouldn't take much to do it.  It doesn't get much worse than including Ghost Rider peeing fire in the movie as a gimmick to make people laugh.  Bad, bad, bad.  Nicholas Cage should stick to National Treasure movies.  Are you catching my bitterness yet?  I hope so.  And I hope I am not the only one who feels this way. 

This Day In History: 1764
Abigail Smith marries future U.S. president John Adams.  Her minister father disapproved at first, believing Adam's prospects too limited for his daughter.

Born This Day: 1881
Pablo Picasso - Spanish painter

"It is not the size of the man but the size of his heart that matters."
-Evander Holyfield

What a potty mouth.

Day Two Hundred Ninety Eight

Dear Readers,
      I am finally home and we are already fighting.  What happened to the loving wife that missed me so much and just wanted me home.  I can't believe we are fighting.  Okay, I am just messing around, but there is always tomorrow.  Again, kidding.  Thankfully, we have worked through our fighting stage in our life and have worked out most of the kinks in our relationship.  One of the greatest things about dating my wife for eleven years before getting married, is that you take out most of the surprises that most newlyweds have to deal with.  After eleven years of dating and figuring each other out in great detail and spending those years as each others best friends, we were left to a very smooth transition into our married life together.  So, finally getting to see each other today was a day we both were looking forward to.  What a great day.  Plus, I get to sleep in my own bed tonight, next to my wife.
      I originally thought it was going to be an evening of just Raina and I.  Maybe go out for dinner or something.  Our evening transformed from an evening date together into a family dinner with my sister, parents and three nephews.  Who happen to all be crazy when they are together.  Not my sister and parents that is, but l my nephews.  Running in circles around the house, screaming at the top of their lungs.  Gotta love my nephews..Raina and I picked up dinner for everybody at a little Mexican/Cuban place close to home here.  It was good food, but not great.  We all got the Mexican style food and now I want to go back to sample the Cuban food they make.  Try something totally new.  Some
      If you can't tell from my picture this week, I went out and got myself a haircut today.  I needed one pretty bad.  In fact, it had gotten so bad that I started to tell Raina that I was just going to grow my hair out to match the beard.  She didn't like that very much and had been troubling me for some time now.  So, I went out and had it all cut off.  So much that the back of neck actually feels colder.  I noticed the difference when I went out into the cold air.  It was a little bit sad losing all that hair.  Not really, I am just making it a bit sentimental.

This Day In History: 1901
Daredevil Annie Edson Taylor initiates a stunt tradition  when she goes over Niagara falls in a wooden barrel.

Born This Day: 1926
Y. A. Tittle - American professional football player.

"Education is not preparation for life.  Education is life itself."
-John Dewey

 He he.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Seven

Dear Readers,
      My final day on standby!  Hallelujah!  And to think, the guy who was supposed to have this next week of standby had to give it up and they raffled it off today to anybody who who wanted it.  I had to throw my name in the hat, because it is just too much overtime and free hours to pass up, but a big part of me is very thankful I didn't get it.  Now I get to finish out my last night and go home after work tomorrow to have a pleasant evening with my wife.
      Why are most people naturally complainers?  It seems like there are so many complainers out there.  I see it a lot in my job.  Working out in the public eye and on public streets draws attention, and every little thing you do might be misunderstood to the person who doesn't understand exactly what you are doing.  People complaining about there grass not being put back perfectly.  People complaining that the street is stained from the dirt pile that was out there.  People complaining that there water was shut off.  People complaining about the loud equipment being used on their street.  People complaining that worker are taking their lunch and there happens to be five city trucks at the same lunch spot.  People complaining about the way we drive.  People complaining about the water leaking and complaining that it hasn't been fixed already.  People complaining that the street is blocked off because of the workers trying to fix a water main that had blown out and was causing a huge sink hole in the street.  All they care about is their route being blocked off.  Then there are those who don't care if there is traffic delineation up.  They just go through anyways, or even drive the in the opposite lane of traffic into opposing traffic.  So many bad and stupid drivers, and then they complain that it is our fault that their way to work was blocked or extra busy because of our work.  Sometimes they don't actually complain, they just give us a friendly honk and a big middle finger as they drive by.  Sometimes along with a few obscenities.  I just wave and say thank you to them.  I know it probably just ticks them off even more, which is why I love to do it.  It's dangerous out there for us.  And then after dodging bad drivers all day, we get to come back and here from out bosses about the complaints we get and how we need to do things differently to appease people perceptions of us.  Ridiculous.  How about we get a boss that actually goes to bat for us and maybe sticks his neck out for us a little.  Wouldn't that be nice.  Nope.  No real support from up above.  Things like that make me want to get into management, so that I can be the different one, but I would rather not deal with the politics.  If I was there in that position though, I would like to think I would be different.

This Day In History: 1929
In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged starting the stock-market crash that began the Great Depression.

Born This Day: 1869
John (William) Heisman - Recognized as one of the greatest innovators of the game of football.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln

Hulk Smash!!!  Or maybe Hulk Authenticate!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Six

Dear Readers,
      I just talked the other day about how staying at my parents has been a really good experience.  Initially thinking that we weren't going to be able to handle the cramped quarters and having roommates for very long.  Then I went on to say that things were great and for the most part my parents have been wonderful.  Even to the point of thinking there was a possibility of staying a couple of months longer then anticipated to save even more money.  That was until today, when I realized how hard it is getting to be away from my wife for a whole week.  Usually when I leave for a week of standby, there is at least one day where we can meet up and have dinner together.  This week hasn't been so forgiving.  Raina was away in Oregon for more then half of the week and didn't get home until late last night.  Now here we are on Monday, planning on meeting up for a dinner together.  It was not to be, since this work phone does not want to quit ringing.  I got hung up at work and wasn't able to make it to dinner.  Instead, having to settle for a late dinner at Taco Bell in my dirty work clothes.  It was a bummer not being able to see my wife tonight and I know she was really bummed out too.  This will be the biggest reason why we need to hurry up and get our home.  If my parents lived close enough to my job, it probably wouldn't be a very big deal.  But leaving my wife for a week at a time is starting to take it's toll.  And to think, I have to do this again in three weeks.  Just another one of those things where I have to look at it as a means to an end.  After we finally get a home of our own, things like this will no longer be a problem.  We will have different problems then, like who is going to take the trash out and who is going to paint the spare room.  I prefer those kinds of problems as opposed to not being able to see my wife problems.  Only two more nights away.  I love you babe.

This Day In History: 1934
Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd, the notorious bank robber, was shot and killed by Federal agents in East Liverpool, OH.

Born This Day: 1938
Christopher Lloyd - American actor (Back to the Future)

"History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives."
- Abba Eban

Can't we all just get along?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Five

Dear Readers,
      It is my wife's birthday today, and I don't get to spend it with her.  She happens to be driving back from her trip to Oregon and I happen to be working, sort of.  I actually seem to have a little bit of time to myself in the middle of the day.  So, here I am typing up my blog and watching some football.  I think this is the first time in about eleven years that we have spent her birthday apart.  We don't always do something big or expensive for her birthday, but we always do it together.  Usually I forget to plan something until the last minute and pull something together on the fly, but we are doing it together.  Sometimes I haven't had any money to really get her anything but a card and maybe a flower and then apologize about it in her birthday card, but at least we did it together.  Sometimes my lack of planning can really get me into trouble on her birthday and we end up fighting and then making up quickly, but at least we did it together.  Thinking back at all those birthdays we have spent together, this one being the fourteenth, we really do have a lot of great memories together.  Unfortunately I am pretty forgetful and need pictures or Raina to remind me of thing we did to get me going.  I think there are a number of years where we spent the day at Disneyland.  Which wasn't too difficult when we had our season passes.  We haven't been back in over a year though, since the passes have gotten so expensive.  I think it only cost us about $150 each back in the day for a premium pass.  Now it is over $400.  I would love to go back with Raina, but it is like saving for a vacation at this point.  It will happen again, it just might take some time.  I especially want to get her back there for her favorite time of the year, which is Christmas.  She loves to look around at decorated park, taking in all ambiance of Christmas.  I love that time of year as well, but Raina is almost fanatical about it.  Not in a bad way though, because I really love that she gets so excited about it.  I think I may have to find a way to get her there this year.  There is nothing greater than seeing excitement on my wife's face.  I love you Raina.  I pray I can make this next year even more special than any of the previous.  Aside from the year we got married, when I became the happiest man alive.  Happy Birthday to my wife!

This Day In History: 1879
Thomas Edison invented the electric incandescent lamp. It would last 13 1/2 hours before it would burn out.

Born This Day: 1956
Carrie Fisher - American actress (Star Wars)
1981 - My beautiful wife, Raina Ortega.
1982 - Joshua Kimura - Best man at my wedding.

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
-Harry Truman

Maybe our trip to Disneyland will end up like this though.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day Two Hundred Niney Four

Dear Readers,
     Just the other day, my dad asked Raina and I if we were going to be moving out before Christmas.  I shouldn't say he asked as much as he lightly threatened with a "You guys aren't moving out before Christmas, are you?".  I have come to the realization that my dad actually enjoys having us there.  I would think that most parents couldn't be rid of their kids too soon once they got older.  My dad is the opposite of most parents I think.  He must like having people at the house.  Someone to chat with every once and a while.  Somebody to make food for.  My dad does happen to make the best breakfasts around.  That is probably where I get it from, since breakfast is usually my specialty in our home.  Meaning, in the home Raina and I used to have to ourselves.  Now that we are sharing, I have passed the torch back to my dad.  Raina loves it too.  There have been a number of times where she hints to me that she would like to have a breakfast made by my dad.  I usually then turn it around on her, telling her that she should ask my dad since she has become the favorite.  It is really neat to see my dad willing to go above and beyond to bless Raina in a variety of different ways.  Cooking breakfast being one of them.  I actually think he may prefer her to me.  It is a nice sentiment to think how much my dad enjoys having us there.  Somebody to go out to eat with.  He is always asking us to go out to eat with him when he isn't already making food for us.  Or even calling us on his way home to see if we want him to pick something up for us.  I am pretty sure that he has spoiled us more than my mother has.  You would think it would be the opposite.  The only fear I have of his desire to have us stay there is that it will stretch beyond when we are at our predetermined time to be living there.  Next thing you know he will be making sure we aren't leaving before Valentines Day.  Then Easter.  Then Fourth of July.  I joke around, but I am afraid of making my dad sad to see us go.  It just means that we will have to make more time for family once we have a home of our own again.  Hopefully it will be a large enough house that we can have the family over more often without feeling too crowded, like we were at our old place.  Or maybe we will just be having my dad over more often on his own.  Either way, I am glad our stay at my parents house has been smooth and without any contention.  A blessing for sure.  I can't wait to be back over there and done with standby.

This Day In History: 1873
A Hippodrome was opened in New York City by showman Phineus T. (P.T.) Barnum.

Born This Day: 1931
Mickey Mantle - Hall of Fame MLB player.

"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it."
-Theodore Roosevelt

How awesome is this helmet?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Three

Dear Readers,
      Raina has been in Oregon for less than twenty four hours, and I am already completely jealous of her.  Here I have been slaving away at my job, working more overtime then I have in the last two months combined in a period of three days, and she is having the time of her life.  Eating like a queen, because the friends she went to visit are some of the best cooks this side of the Mississippi.  This family is a close second to Raina's cooking.  Everything is homemade.  Pizza, cinnamon rolls, onion bread, cake mix cookies and an assortment of other delicious delicacies.  Raina has already sent me pictures of the homemade pizza they had last night, the cinnamon rolls they had this morning and then an awesome view from their hike they took today.  All while I have been digging a hole and getting muddy and tired.  Banging my knuckles on the edge of the asphalt.  Forcing guys that have been working just as much as I have to keep on working.  And trying to get in time for meals and my blog in the mean time.  I am not mad at her though.  I am actually very happy for her.  We haven't been able to make it out to Oregon for quite some time.  Especially when you consider there was a time when we were going about twice a year and now we have only been out there once in the last two years.  So this is good for Raina to get away and enjoy a vacation.  It is just a bummer that I am still here letting my job take a toll on my body.  I miss my wife.  I just pray she has a fantastic trip and comes home to me safely.
      Since I am partially on the subject of homemade food, what is it that makes homemade food so much better than any kind of processed/quick fix food?  You would think that with all the technology we have now that they would find a way to replicate a home cooked meal.  Nothing comes close.  Probably not until we get to the days of Star Trek and there is a machine that can just phase in a replica of a home cooked meal right in front of you in seconds.  There is just nothing that surpass a meal that was done with care and time.  I guess part of it could be all the energy that is put into a meal sometimes.  For the cooks themselves I mean.  Because when Raina makes me dinner, usually there isn't any effort on my part, but for her it must be even better because she understands the time and effort it took to make it.  I just know that just about anything Raina cooks for me is downright delicious.  I attribute her good cooking to my gut.  I don't have a beer gut, I simply have a food gut.  And anytime I go up to Oregon with Raina, it gets even worse, because we get spoiled up there.  Three solid meals a day.  With snacks in between and topped off with desert.  That's why we have to do the hikes when we go up there, to help offset all the caloric intake.  Hopefully it won't be too long before I can get out there.  I did jokingly tell Raina that I was going to fly out there by myself in two weeks.  The more overtime I work, the more I actually consider doing it.

This Day In History: 1781
British General Charles Lord Cornwallis surrendered to U.S. General George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia. It was to be the last major battle of the American Revolutionary War.

Born This Day: 1966
John Favreau - American actor and director. (Iron Man)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
-John Quincy Adams

I don't ever want to have to shop for this.

Especially when I could be shopping for this.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety Two

Dear Readers,
      It is going to be another long day.  Or should I say that it has already been a very long day and will continue into the night.  We had to replace a large valve that we broke last night, which means a long day of work in and of itself.  Now that I have finished that job and finally gotten back to our yard, I have to get ready and head out to start another job.  A job that must be done after hours so that we don't shut the school that is in our area of work out of water.  There are just a few places that will force our jobs to be rescheduled.  Whenever we have to shut off a medical building, dental office, or school.  Even needing to make slight adjustments for business's that use lots of water.  This time, it's a school.  Starting out job after 6:00PM, when all the kids have left for the night.  It just means more headaches for me and having to wait even longer to finally get a shower.  Just for another week, is what I keep telling myself.  It will all be worth it when I get that paycheck.  I hope.
      On the subject of work.  Why is it that the people who cry and complain the most and loudest end up getting the most preferential treatment.  It seems like the ones that create the most waves and the most headaches for everyone else end up with the most rewards in the end.  Partially because the bosses don't want to deal with them, so they give them what they want or a semblance of a compromise to get them to shut up for a while.  Which ends up leaving the guys that are good workers, that don't complain, that go the extra mile without expecting anything in return end up on the short end of the stick.  Things like this really get me upset.  I don't get why this is allowed to continue to happen.  I know it isn't just a my job that these things happen.  I know I am not the only one who has to deal with this and sees this on a daily basis.  You would think that every so often, one of those hard working/extra mile employees ends up becoming the boss and then puts a stop to it.  I have yet to see it happen though.  Maybe the fact that we are public works plays a part in it.  I would think it is less of a problem in the private sector, but I am sure it still happens.  I would like to think that if I ever did become a boss in some sort of way again, that I would not allow it to continue.  It just really bugs the crap out of me.  Especially when it is a reward of some sort, while I am here busting my butt and not even getting the fair treatment I feel I deserve.  I would like to think that I have a good sense of these things.  I am not one to expect something for nothing.  I just think that if you are going to reward someone for doing nothing but complaining, why wouldn't you then at least reward the ones who are doing their jobs without complaining and who are going above and beyond.  Why?  I need to start my own business.  Then I would be my own boss and I would only get to complain to myself and reward myself at the same time.  Not having to watch it happen and continue to be out of my control.  Ridiculous.

This Day In History: 1867
The U.S. took formal possession of Alaska from Russia. The land was purchased of a total of $7 million dollars (2 cents per acre)

Born This Day: 1939
Mike Ditka - Hall of Fame NFL player.

"Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character.  But if you must be without one, be without the strategy."
- Norman Schwarzkopf

Now I can become a home scientist.

Day Two Hundred Ninety One

Dear Readers,
      What a doozy of a first night on call.  I am just now getting "home" to my co workers apartment and settled in.  Well, not just getting here, but finally showered and feel a lot better now.  Hopefully I will not be called for the rest of the night.  I have enough hours for today, and I am beat tired.  It was nonstop all day long.  One bad job after another.  Breaking asphalt, breaking concrete, installing pipe, cleaning up muddy messes, filling back up the holes and compacting them.  Then there was problems that hindered our work to make it take even longer to finish everything.  Doing our own damage to the water lines while trying to dig down to them.  Even breaking water valves that are supposed to be in good operating condition.  So much for that!  We proved that wrong, didn't we?
      I'm already missing my wife today, and will miss her even more when I crash out and realize that she isn't there lying next to me like she normally is.  At least we were able to spend the whole night together yesterday.  Even if some of it was spent with me finishing my blog and finishing my packing for the week.  We did at least get to finish our puzzle.  That Star Wars puzzle Raina had picked up at a yard sale a few weeks ago.  Only problem we had with the puzzle, was that there happened to be a few missing pieces, and by few, I mean eight.  Yeah, it was pretty sad.  I really enjoyed making that puzzle with my wife.  Just bummed out to not have it totally complete.  I wonder if there is a site out there that sells missing pieces to puzzles.  There is something for everything out there, so why not for puzzles too?  Then I wouldn't have to get rid of that sweet puzzle.  Besides, I am not the type of person to give up anything that has Star Wars on it  Unfortunately, I can't keep everything.  So I am pretty sure that this puzzle is now garage sale fodder, just like it once was.  No wonder someone sold it to my wife so cheap.  It was incomplete.  Just have to find a new puzzle that is similar to the one we just completed.  More Star Wars puzzles.

This Day In History: 1888
The first issue of "National Geographic Magazine" was released at newsstands.

Born This Day: 1948
Margot Kidder - American actress

"Before you go and criticize the younger generation, just remember who raised them."
-Unknown Author

 Can you see the missing pieces?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ninety

Dear Readers,
     Well, with the impending departure from each other for the week, Raina and I celebrated her birthday tonight and spent some much needed quality time together.  Okay, I am a loser and didn't intentionally plan to go out for her birthday tonight, but she hinted at it a little today and I took the bait.  Besides, I really am going to miss her this week.  Usually when I go away for standby, she is at least nearby and I get to see her during the week while going out to eat or something.  I am thinking this might be the one time where we don't see each other at all while I am stuck working.  Kind of a bummer to be gone from my wife for so long.  Especially when it is for work.  Needless to say, it was good for both of us to spend some time out together.  I used it as a chance to celebrate a little for her birthday, which is coming up this Sunday.  I won't give away how old she is, I will just say that between the two of us, I am the younger one.  She robbed the cradle a little bit.  He he.  I like to give her a hard time about it for most of the year, but there is a period of right about three months where we are the same age.  That is her favorite time of the year.  It is about to switch and she will probably hit me for giving her a hard time about it. 
      For dinner tonight?  One of our favorite restaurants that we go to far less than we should.  Kabuki.  We are both sushi lovers and we are in fact members of a Kabuki club that allows you to build points for every dollar you spend there, eventually earning gift certificates to go back and eat even more sushi.  We love it because the prices are decent, the food is fresh and is always good quality.  We have never had to worry about getting a good or bad batch, because it is always great.  They also have one of the best deserts I have ever had.  A banana tempura with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, with drizzled caramel on top.  Yum.  It was another fantastic dinner of having our faces stuffed and tummies filled.  Just look at all the different sushi we ate together.  Even though I am pretty sure I had more than my share of it.
      Yup, we ate all that.  It was fantastic.  To go along with our little birthday celebration, I even gave Raina her birthday gift early.  I was going to make her wait until after she got back from Oregon, but I thought it would be fitting to give it to her tonight.  She had been talking about wanting to go see a certain band that is coming to the Hollywood Bowl for quite some time.  I never said anything about it to her.  I just listened when she would bring it up and I would stay silent about it.  Which isn't hard for me since I don't usually have much to say about anything.  Raina can vouch for me on that one.  If you haven't guess which band I am talking about yet, it is Mumford and Sons, who happen to be playing this Veterans Day, November 12th.  Which works out perfect, because I will have that Monday off of work and then the Tuesday as well, because I will be starting another standby for work.  It will be a great way to spend out time together just before I have to leave for one more week for the rest of the year.  She seemed really excited about it, so I hope it is a great concert for her.  Not to mention I happen to like this band as well, so we will both be looking forward to it.  Happy early birthday babe!

This Day In History: 1854
In response to a speech by his Illinois presidential rival, U.S. senator Stephen A. Douglas, Abraham Lincoln denounces slavery.

Born This Day: 1886
David Ben-Gurion - Israel's first prime minister

"In this world there are only two tragedies.  One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."
-Oscar Wilde

So that's how they did it on Jurassic Park.  They just went to Ikea.  Cheaters!