Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fourteen

Dear Readers.
      Now I have a dilemma with what time I was supposed to leave tomorrow night for Lake Havasu.  Originally my professor was supposed to let us take our Final as soon as we got to class and then leave as soon as we were finished.  That would most likely allow me to head on out around 8PM or so.  Now my professor is telling me that we won't even start the Final until 8PM.  Which means that I won't be able to take off as early as I had planned.  Meaning a long night of driving and little sleep before heading out onto the lake on Friday morning.  The reason he is giving for waiting so long to administer the test is that there are multiple students that haven't finished all the assignments and he is setting aside that beginning portion of the class for them to finish any uncompleted assignments they may have.  That just means it is a big waste of time for people like me who have finished all our assignments.  He said there is a small possibility of being able to start the test a little sooner.  My hope is that I can go into class early and explain that I have nothing to do, since my assignments are all finished.  Hopefully he will allow me to take the test right away and then leave.  Keeping my fingers crossed for some leniency.
      I had a practice run for my Final tomorrow, sort of.  I went into Cerritos College early today so that I could take my assessment test, which gives me placement as far as what classes I can start on and skip.  The test took longer than I thought it was and boy am I a long ways away from when I graduated high school.  I was having problems remembering how to solve some algebraic questions, when I finished high school taking AP Calculus.  Ten years is a long time between math classes and it is showing.  I need to have it all refreshed.  I at least did well enough so that I don't have to start from the bottom and I am able to able to skip the Reading class that is required.  English on the other hand, I have never been really good at, so I need to take a basic English class to get back into the swing of things.  Oh well, a refresher of things learned over ten years ago should be fairly easy finish.  Besides, it will get me some college credits and hopefully I will do well enough to improve on my dismal GPA.

This Day In History: 1944
Thirteen-year-old German Jew Anne Frank makes the last entry in her diary, which she kept for two years while hiding with her family to escape the Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

Born This Day: 1779
Francis Scott Key - American attorney and poet who composed the lyrics for the "Star-Spangled Banner".

"Life's a voyage that's homeward bound."
-Herman Melville


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