Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirteen

Dear Readers,
      I am getting ready to head to Lake Havasu this weekend.  One of the guys I work with owns a house and a boat out there and has invited a few of us to come on out for the weekend.  He has asked before and I wasn't really wanting to go, so I had used the fact that I was newly married as the reason for not being able to go.  Then last year, the trip just didn't happen, so I lucked out and didn't have to come up with some reason for why I didn't want to go.  This year though, after being asked over and over again about it, and leaving me no reason for not being able to go, I conceded and said yes.  Now that we are only two days away from heading out to the desert, I am pretty excited to be going.  This trip really goes along with my whole new kick to get outdoors and enjoy what summer is here for.  Having a little fun in the sun.  We get to be out on the lake, jumping off rocks, hanging out on the beach and even some water activities, such as getting towed on an inner tube.  Leaving the sole purpose of the driver of the boat to attempt to throw you off.  I am sure it isn't very hard to get up some speed and catch a quick turn to knock people off.  I think the one downfall to this trip, is that we are heading directly into the dead heat of summer.  The temperatures are supposed to reach over 100 degrees.  That is stinking hot and I am not looking forward to that.  At least we will be on a boat in the middle of a nice cool lake that you can jump into at your leisure.  Then going from the boat to an air conditioned car and directly into an air conditioned house or restaurant.  No need to kill myself by heat exhaustion.  There is nothing worse then having to worry about what you touch, because the sun may have baked it tot he point of melting your skin with a single touch.  The guy from my work keeps trying to tell me that it is a dry heat and not as bad.  I keep telling him that 105 degrees is hot no matter what way you look at it.  Hot is hot.  Either way, I am looking forward to getting out for summer activities on the lake and just hanging out with the guys.  I am sure by Friday night or Saturday morning I will be missing my wife and will be looking forward to heading home early Sunday.

This Day In History: 1928
MGM’s Leo the lion roared for the first time. He introduced MGM’s first talking picture, White Shadows on the South Seas.

Born This Day: 1965
 J.K. Rowling - English author (Harry Potter series)  This one's for you Brooke.

???? - Arturo Ortega - The man I have been blessed with as a father.  He doesn't want himself mentioned in my blog, but since he doesn't read my blog I don't see the harm.

"People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily."
-Zig Ziglar

These both made me laugh.

The real reason the dinosaurs went extinct.

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