Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day Two Hundred Twenty Nine

Dear Readers,
      The Newsroom has become my new favorite show.  Well, favorite is a strong word, but it has become a show that I really look forward to watching every week.  I started recording it when it started and our DVR filled up with about six or seven episodes before I finally started watching it.  After the first episode, I was hooked.  Jeff Daniels is great on this show and what makes it even better is that it isn't raunchy like most shows on HBO.  If you haven't seen an episode or anything about it, it is a show about a news show.  Sounds boring, right?  It really isn't though.  I enjoy this show so much that it makes me wish that I knew more about politics and current events.  It makes me want to be more invested in what is going on in our country.  The days need to be 36 hours instead of 24 hours to allow more time for all the things I want to do, and learn.  Is it everyone's plight to feel like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything you want to?  To feel like there was so much more you wanted to do with and in your life?  That is the way I feel sometimes and it when I start getting that way, it motivates me to make the best use of my time.  I don't stay motivated, but it makes me feel better about it when I do.
      Tonight will be the first night since I have been married that I will sleep in our bed without my wife.  Yes, we have spent nights apart, but I have always been the one out of town.  This will be the first time Raina has left me to sleep in our bed alone.  It is going to be weird, especially since we are living at my parents house right now, which means it will be a little like when we were dating.  I hear she has been having a good time and getting to try some awesome food.  You know me, I just love trying out new places to eat.  I am pretty jealous of her, but hope she really enjoys herself.  She deserves it, she has been working very hard lately.  Working during the week, weeknights and weekends.  Time for her to get a break.  Hopefully she gets to relax a little and doesn't spend too much time watching Micah.  He can be a handful at times.  That is just one of the many reasons why I love that kid.

This Day In History: 1977
The king of rock 'n' roll, Elvis Presley, dies at the age of 42 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Born This Day: 1935
Julie Newmar - American actress (Batman)

"I’d rather live with a good question than a bad answer."
-Aryeh Frimer

 He he he.

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