Friday, August 10, 2012

Day Two Hundred Twenty Three

Dear Readers,
     The heat really picked up today.  Creating a sweaty mess of a day at work.  This was probably the hardest I have labored at work in a while and it just happened to be what felt like the hottest day of the year.  Sweating right through my work uniform and continually having to wipe sweat from my forehead.  Guzzling water all day long, trying to replace it as quickly as you are losing it.  I couldn't wait to get done with work and get into my air conditioned truck to head home.  Then, I went and made my life a little bit miserable by heading over to the gym.  It has been a good three days of getting back into the workout routine.  Two days of running three miles and then a third day of running and getting in some weightlifting.  My legs are going to be hating me the next few days.  Squats and calf workouts along with some ab workouts.  Squats can be a killer after a long period between lifts.  Either way, it felt really good to get back into the gym and do some work. 
      I then spent the evening over at Chris's house with a few other guys eating some barbeque.  The other Chris brought over some carne asada and my brother in law Matt brought some hot links.  I brought the drinks while Chris cooked everything up and it was a party.  Okay, not really a party, but a pleasant evening with the guys, telling stories and catching up with everyone.  It was especially nice catching up with Chaz, who I haven't seen for probably about a year or so.  Don't see him much, but there is plenty of trash talk between us, as we are in the same fantasy football league.  It was great to hang out with the boys, but now it is Olympic watching time with my wife.  Catching up on the DVR, watching the gymnastics all around.  These girls can do some amazing things.  So much fun to watch and so much Olympics to watch.

This Day In History: 1921
Future U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt is diagnosed with polio.

Born This Day: 1874
Herbert Clark Hoover - 31st U.S. president

"Words without actions are the assassins of idealism."
-Herbert Hoover

Wear it proudly.

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