Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Seven

Dear Readers,
      I am so upset with myself.  Not because I didn't get my blog done on time, but because I had it done and then fell asleep, ruining my blog for the day.  I was just about finished typing everything up last night, sitting on the couch with the laptop on my lap, just about ready to head to bed, when I fell asleep with my hands on the keyboard.  I woke up at about midnight to a screen with jumbled letters and almost all my blog missing.  I don't know what I pressed during that time I was asleep, but it was enough to effectively ruin my blog.  I tried using the "undo" button several times, but it didn't fix anything.  If anything, it made it worse.  It was infuriating to have done all that work and then realize that it was all down the drain after falling asleep.  I was so fed up that I just shut my computer off and went to bed.  I didn't want to make myself more upset by spending a bunch of time trying to fix it or retype it, only for me to end up falling asleep again.  The first thing Raina asked me when I told her was how it was possible that I could fall asleep with the laptop in my lap and hands on the keyboard.  I just told her that I was in a very comfortable position, sitting up on Tyler's couch.  I knocked out.  Not that it isn't very hard for me to fall asleep just about anywhere.  You can ask just about anyone that knows me and they will tell you that I have no problems falling asleep.  No matter how awkward of a position my body might be sitting.  As long as my head is on something cushy, then I can pass out just about anywhere.  Both a blessing and a curse.  The curse part you can see.  Wasting all my hard work typing up yesterdays blog.  Now I have to redo that one and then finish one for today as well.  On top of all the work I have had to do today and still have to do today.  Hopefully I won't get called out too frequently, leaving just enough time to finish blogging for the day.  I barely had time yesterday, having to be working all day and then getting called out all night.  I am sure that this is the busiest time I have ever had while being on call.  The paycheck is going to have to make up for my lack of sleep and my time away from my beautiful wife that I am missing very much.

This Day In History: 79AD
Mount Vesuvius erupted killing approximately 20,000 people. The cities of Pompeii, Stabiae and Herculaneum were buried in volcanic ash.

Born This Day: 1960
Cal Ripken, Jr. - Hall of Fame major league baseball player.

"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t."
-Erica Jong

My fellow bearded brothers, don't let this happen you.

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