Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Eight

Dear Readers,
     The Dodgers have made me a very happy man today.  Okay, it wasn't the ideal trade or the best possible trade to make, but it really drives home the mentality of the new ownership group in Los Angeles.  They want to win and they want to win now.  Even if it isn't the wisest way to spend their money, they are willing to take the gamble.  I really hope it pays off real soon.  I am thinking this year, if possible.  For those of you who are living under a rock or don't care a lick about sports, the Dodgers made a blockbuster trade today, involving over a quarter of a million dollars in players.  They gave up some quality prospects that I was really looking forward to seeing in the years to come, but winning now comes at a price.  In return they got four players.  One is a player that will probably be sent to the minor leagues right away or spend time on the bench.  Another is Josh Beckett, who is probably the biggest gamble of the group, because of his high salary and lack of performance over the last couple of years.  I am hoping a change of scenery and a switch to the National League will set him straight.  Besides, any pitcher other than Joe Blanton at this point is a major upgrade.  The next player is Carl Crawford, who could be an even bigger gamble, because he has had Tommy John surgery and is out the rest of this season.  So we aren't even sure what we are going to get from him yet.  At least he is fairly young and he was an All Star caliber player as recently as three years ago.  The biggest player of this blockbuster is first baseman Adrian Gonzalez, who can be a major force for the Dodgers, especially hitting between Matt Kemp, Andre Ethier and Hanley Ramirez.  This has the makings of what could be a huge run at the end of the season.  Sparking the offense and igniting a fire under the whole team.  Now we just have to see if this team can get some chemistry and gel as a team.  Forget the whole superstar mentality and work as a team.  It is the right time and the right team for making a run.  Now we need the seats to get filled, and really start rooting for this team.  I really don't care if the Dodgers get looked at as the next version of the Yankees, who are out to just buy a championship.  It has been so long since we won the big one.  I just want a World Series Championship trophy for my Dodgers.  This could be a great year for my sports teams.  Dodgers are on the rise.  The 49ers are looking better than they have been in a number of years.  University of Oregon football is ranked fifth and with their high flying offense, they could be in for another big year.  And then there is the Lakers, pulling off a blockbuster trade of their own to put themselves right in the mix for the next NBA championship.  Let the games begin.

This Day In History: 1972
In Great Britain, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan) was introduced.

Born This Day: 1930
Sean Connery - Scottish actor and producer.

"When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him."
- Thomas Szasz

Just don't.

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