Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Five

Dear Readers,
      So here I am, in fabulous Garden Grove.  Spending the week on call here at Tyler's home.  It is just like old times.  Before Raina and I got married, while originally living with my parents, I would stay with Tyler for my weeks of being on call.  My weeks usually consist of playing Xbox, reading, working and Tyler and I trying to figure out where to go get some dinner.  Except for the first two or three times I stayed over, when he was living with his then girlfriend, they would make dinner just about every night.  All kinds of fabulous dinners.  Then they broke up, and it was just Tyler and I.  It didn't help that we are two of the most indecisive people trying to figure out what to get to eat every night.  We eventually developed a method to our madness.  We would narrow down to two random options and then pull out "The Decider".  Which was nothing more then a half dollar coin that we would assign sides to, to decide which place to go eat at.  Looking back, it is quite comical to think about.  I think in all those weeks that I stayed with Tyler, we probably ate at about eight to ten different places the entire time.  Just rotating between the different options.  This time around will probably be a little more like the first few times staying with him.  Since he now has a new girlfriend, whom I might add is so much better than the original girlfriend, and dinners will be made again.  The barbeque grill is going and potatoes are in the oven.  This is going to work out much better.  At least I hope it will.
      The Dodgers are really starting to tick me off.  I can't believe they are putting themselves in a place to be swept by the hated giants in their own ballpark.  The hitters that we are supposed to count on, are not producing right now.  The pitchers are doing alright, but without scoring it isn't doing much good.  Watching the game tonight, the Dodgers put themselves in a hole right away, going down three to nothing in the first inning.  It probably doesn't help that Matt Cain is pitching for the giants, who has a perfect game to his name this year.  I really hate the giants.  There is nothing I love more then to see the Dodgers destroy the giants.  Although, it isn't happening enough this year.  Not like the amazing match ups that Clayton Kershaw did last year.  Always coming out ahead of the giants.  I am praying for a win to avoid the sweep.  Just score four runs and keep the giants from scoring anymore.  I am not asking for a lot.  Just a win against our hated rival.  Please.

This Day In History: 1902
In Hartford, CT, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt became the first president of the United States to ride in an automobile.

Born This Day: 1934
H. Norman Schwarzkopf - United States General

"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it."
-Ellen Goodman

 Careful, it could happen to you.

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