Friday, August 31, 2012

Day Two Hundred Forty Four

Dear Readers,
      Today marks being exactly two-thirds of the way complete with my one year beard-a-thon.  It is flying by now.  To the point that I am starting to think of ways to convince Raina to allow me to continue to grow it.  She claims there is not a chance that I could convince her.  About the only thing that she said my sway her is if I agreed to do the dishes every day for the entire year.  And that is just a maybe that I got from her.  The only other thing that would convince her to allow it would be to agree to change every diaper when I am with our child, that isn't even born yet, for one year.  Then she realized that I wanted to continue growing it for one year and not do it again for another year and she said we would have to have a child of our own first before she would agree with that.  All the while I was thinking that possibility in my head and was willing to agree to it.  We could just adopt a child that is already potty trained.  She knows me too well, which is why she backed out of that one really quick.  Oh well, I have another 122 days to find a way to convince her.  I am open to any ideas you might have.
      Raina and I had a wonderful day together.  Starting out early enough to go out to the beach for a run.  I am thinking we made it about four miles today, which isn't bad considering I haven't been able to work out in about ten days.  Have to hit it hard again.  We then made it back for a quick shower so we could go to lunch without stinking up the place.  Which happened to be Fred's Cantina on Main street in Huntington Beach.  We have been wanting to try that place for a long time now and it really wasn't worth the wait.  We were both really disappointed with just about all of it.  The extra salty chips, the bland salsa and meal that was mediocre.  Don't recommend the Mexican food there.  We ended our day with much better food though.  Before that though, we enjoyed our afternoon at the beach.  Hanging out in the sun and trying to not get tossed around to much in the water.  The water was just the right temperature and it wasn't too hot relaxing on the sand.  Just another awesome day with my bride.  Ending it with an awesome dinner at Casa Inka for some Peruvian food.  It was one hundred times better than our lunch.  I love that place and wish I could eat there more often then I do.  Oh, we also topped it off with some Dairy Queen for desert.  Walking over with Brandon and Brooke to walk off a little of our dinner before enjoying the not so good for us blizzards and dipped cones.  I love these lazy days and having my wife with me makes them even better.

This Day In History: 1959
Sandy Koufax set a National League record by striking out 18 batters.

Born This Day: 1945
Itzhak Perlman - Israeli-born violinist, conductor, and instructor of master classes.

"Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress."
- Alfred A. Montapert

Our lunch at Fred's Cantina.
Is this Raina's or mine?

Can you guess which one is Raina's and which one is mine?

I guess your answer is right in front of you.

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