Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day Two Hundred Nineteen

Dear Readers,
      This was a very lazy day for me.  I took the day off in advance of going out to Havasu for the weekend.  I had a pretty good idea that I would be pretty tired after that weekend.  It probably helps that my boss forced me to take the day off in advance, thinking I might call in on Monday anyways.  So, I slept in and watched some TV from our DVR.  Worked on some blogging.  Watched some more TV.  Then laid around for a bit, before finally going out to run a few errands.  Picking up Raina's wedding dress that we finally had cleaned and boxed up.  Which I didn't actually pick up because it ended up not being ready.  Then to Best Buy to see about possibly finding something to spend my gift cards that I had gotten for my birthday.  Which the only thing I found was a movie that I have been wanting for a while and finally went on sale.  Miracle, a movie about the amazing American hockey team that beat the Russian team in the Winter Olympics in 1980.  Have to love a feel good sports movie.
      We also celebrated my dad's birthday as a family tonight.  I went to pick up some carne asada and pastor to grill up for dinner.  That stuff isn't cheap, but it is worth every penny.  I know I talk about food quite a bit in my blogs, but I really do love good food.  I grilled up the meat, along with some corn and hot links, and we stuffed our tummies with good eating.  It is just the kind of thing that my dad loves for his birthday.  Having the entire family around with lots of food.  My dad doesn't like anyone to go hungry.  He would rather have more than enough food than to even come close to not having enough.  We topped it all off with a super sugary and sweet cake that my sister made.  It was a cake that I had seen in one of her magazines and asked her to make, which she did because she loves me.  It was really good, just a little too sweet for me.  Okay, it was a lot too sweet for me.  It doesn't help that I can't handle sweets too well.  It just looked so good in the magazine with all the caramel and chocolate shavings on it.  What I could handle, was delicious.  Much thanks to my sister the pastry chef.

This Day In History: 1890
The first execution by electrocution is carried out at Auburn Prison in New York on William Kemmler, who had been convicted of murdering this lover with an ax.  Electrocution as a means of execution was first suggested in 1881 by Dr. Albert Southwick.

Born This Day: 1911
Lucille Ball - American comedienne and actress.

"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age."
-Lucille Ball

Patience is a virtue.

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