Monday, August 20, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Three

Dear Readers,
     It was a wondrous day off of work today.  Getting up early and hitting the gym to start the day off.  More cardio and weightlifting.  I am thinking that after just a few more workouts, I won't be as sore from the weight training as I have been.  My body will have become more accustomed to it.  I am sure the aches and pains will never completely go away.  I think they tend to linger more these days, now that I am in my thirties.  Okay, I am barely thirty, but everything takes longer to heal these days.  The aches and pains stick around for a lot longer than I remember. 
      The middle part of my day was filled with catching up with DVR shows, doing some laundry and getting in some Xbox time.  All the while, trying to beat the heat a little.  With our three fans in our room.  Making sure they are all positioned correctly so that cool air was coming in, hot air was going out and the air inside was circulating around and hitting me.  It is all a very precise science.  They should have a college class about that, then I could get an easy A.  By the way, I finally looked up my grade for the summer class I took, and I am proud to say that I earned myself my first college "A".  Actually working at my classes has actually paid off.  Amazing what a difference a mind set can make.
      I started up my fall semester tonight.  I had to jump through a little hoop to get into my class for this semester.  It was a hoop of my own making though.  I originally registered for the class, but didn't pay for it and then forgot until yesterday.  So, I was dropped from the class and had to show up tonight and hope that it didn't over fill and leave me without a spot.  Thankfully, it isn't a real popular class, but a necessary one for me.  A Blueprint Reading class.  The class wasn't full and I got in easily.  This one will be simple to get to in comparison to the summer class.  Only one day a week on Monday nights.  And, only three hours a night instead of four and a half.  This class will be a lot easier for me to enjoy, instead of having everything crammed into six weeks.  Looking forward to improving my GPA.

This Day In History: 1833
With just three months before the election, U.S. president James Tyler withdraws his renomination candidacy.  He became the first chief executive in U.S. history not to seek reelection.

Born This Day: 1948
Robert Plant - English rock singer (Led Zeppelin)

"Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one's enemies."
-Leon Trotsky

That's right, kid!

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