Monday, August 27, 2012

Day Two Hundred Forty

Dear Readers,
     My week of being on call is coming to a close.  Only two nights left and the last two I am fortunate enough to be able to spend with my wife.  She is house sitting this week in Huntington Beach, which happens to be close enough for me to take the work truck to.  Five miles is my limit and I think this house is three or four.  I have missed Raina very much and am going to enjoy sharing my bed with her again.  Especially after spending five nights on a co worker's couch.  Don't get me wrong, the couch was actually comfortable, it is just fifty times more comfortable sleeping in a bed with my wife next to me.  I think most husbands would agree.  The other big plus about this house sitting thing, is that we get air conditioner for a week.  It will be wonderful to enjoy another week of climate controlled bliss, without fans blowing if five directions only keeping it mildly cooler than outside.  I get to keep using a blanket this week, instead of my air blanket or sheet that I use at home.  Nice and cozy, next to my wife.  Now lets see if it is so comfortable that I don't wake up in the morning.  That could turn out bad.  Raina will just shove me out of the bed to wake me up if it were to come to that.  Unless she sleeps through everything too.  Time will tell.
      I am debating working overtime this Friday.  On one hand, it would be a nice bump in my paycheck and we could always use the extra money.  On the other hand, I have already worked over forty hours of overtime for this check, and it will be a good check either way.  So, a nice relaxing day spent at the beach with my wife is really enticing to me.  We could spend the morning out for a run and then just relax on the sand, jumping in the water every so often to keep cool.  Then there is that extra amount of money I could be earning, that could go towards bills or the house fund.  Every penny counts at this juncture.  What to do, what to do?  If only I could push that overtime to Saturday instead of Friday, then it would work out perfect.  Raina would be working anyways and I would have to leave the air conditioned house as well.  Life just finds a way to make things almost work out, but not quite.  Always torturing us with "what ifs".  What if?

This Day In History: 1921
The owner of Acme Packing Company bought a pro football team for Green Bay, WI. J.E. Clair paid tribute to those who worked in his plant by naming the team the Green Bay Packers.

Born This Day: 1908
Lyndon B. Johnson - 36th President of the United States.

" The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
-William Arthur Ward

Do the WAVE everyone!

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