Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifteen

Dear Readers,
      I am about to take my first Final in about ten or so years.  Just like any other test I guess.  Just need to go in and do what I have been doing all semester.  Thankfully I can go out and celebrate afterwards, with a drive to Lake Havasu.  Okay, the drive isn't what I am looking forward too.  It's being out on the lake.  I'm ready to catch some rays.  I will be driving through the night to get there.  Hopefully I don't fall asleep while I am driving.  Just kidding.  That has never happened to me.  I am pretty good at knowing my limits and when to let somebody else drive.  Hopefully I can make it the whole way so that the guys I am going with can catch some sleep on the way.  Just give me a five hour energy drink and some good music and I am good to go.  Ready for a little road trip.  Too bad it will be pitch black once we hit the desert area and it won't leave me any scenery to take in.  Not that there is much in the way of scenery while driving through the desert.  Maybe there is a good chance that at least one of the other guys will stay up with me and keep up a conversation to keep me awake.  That always helps.  The cost of having a truck big enough for people and gear all at once.  Oh well, at least I won't have to pay for the gas.  At least I hope I won't.  Well, it is a short blog tonight since I still have to pack and head on out to my Final and then head on out to the lake after that.  Pray for my memory.

This Day In History: 1865
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by English author Lewis Carroll (the pen name of Charles Dodgson) is published, but is quickly withdrawn due to bad printing.  Only 21 copies of the first edition survive.

Born This Day: 1932
Peter O'Toole - Irish actor
???? - David Taylor (A very good friend of mine who happens to be in Costa Rica right now and I am very jealous of him at this moment.  Happy Birthday DT!)

"Life is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming."
-Myrna Loy

Are you the guy he is talking about?

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