Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Four

Dear Readers,
      Packing up for a big trip today.  I am packing up for a week long trip far away from home.  I am heading to wonderful Garden Grove.  I know what you are thinking.  Who in their right mind would spend a week away in Garden Grove, especially when I already live so close?  It isn't a vacation.  It is a week away for work.  I am on call for work about five weeks out of the year, and starting tomorrow is my next week on call.  When we lived in our condo, it was close enough that I could stay at home, heading out whenever I got called for work.  Now that we are living with my parents, it is too far away to be on call from home.  My limit is five miles, as the crow flies.  Which means that when we are ready to buy a house, it will have to be within that five mile range of the city.  Regardless, for this week, I will be at a co workers home for the next week.  Waiting patiently by the phone for all those emergencies I will need to go out on.  All those trees down, light poles hit, fire hydrants hit, water line breaks, car accidents that need clean up, and all kinds of other calls, including some I have never gotten before.  It never fails that every time I go on call, I get something I have never gotten before.  Just like the time I got called out to pick up a transients belongings to take to our yard for safe keeping.  You read that right, we held on to the belongings because she went to the hospital after overdosing on drugs.  You just never know what might happen during that week. 
      The one unfortunate thing about this week, is being away from my wife for the week.  This will be the first time being on call and being away from my wife since we were married.  So between work, getting called, blogging and homework, I will need to make sure I fit in some valuable phone time with my wife.  Maybe even find a little time to have breakfast or some other meal with my wife.  It will be a long week.  I can feel it.  I am packed up and ready to go.  I cleared enough space from the DVR so that it won't completely fill up while I am gone.  And now I have to get some valuable sleep before heading to work tomorrow.  While still beating the heat.  Go away heat.

This Day In History: 1911
In perhaps the most brazen art theft of all time, Vincenzo Peruggia walks into the Louvre in Paris, France, heads straight for the Mona Lisa, removes it from the wall, hides it beneath his clothes, and escapes.  Peruggia was arrested in November 1913, when he attempted to retrieve a hefty ransom.  The painting was unharmed.

Born This Day: 1936
Wilt Chamberlain - American Hall of Fame basketball player.

"Nobody roots for Goliath."
-Wilt Chamberlain

The bearded playwright, Sophocles.

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