Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day Two Hundred Twenty Four

Dear Readers,
      It has been a really good day today.  Mostly a day of just trying to beat the heat.  Our morning started off with a trip to the Roger Dunn in Santa Ana, which is an awesome golf store.  I went to pick out my birthday gift from my father in law, Mark.  If you remember, about a month ago, I broke my driver during a golf tournament I was playing in.  So, Mark decided to get a new one for me for my birthday.  Today was shopping day.  I spent some time picking out some drivers and taking them to their indoors driving range for a test run.  I tried about eight different drivers that I had been looking at.  Different makers, different shafts, different weights, different flexes and different grips.  I swung so many times that I was actually getting tired by the end of it.  I had a blast.  They have a tracker that shows how your ball is tracking and how far it goes.  It is pretty stinking cool.  After all those swings and different clubs, it came down to the Rocketballz driver.  I hit that one the best and it felt the most comfortable to swing.  I picked out one that is the right degree in loft and the right flex.  I can't wait to get it out onto the course.  Thanks again to Mark and my brother in law Brent for my awesome gift.
      I wasn't the only one to get a new driver today.  My brother in law Brandon came along for the trip and was offered a new driver for his birthday from his brother, which was just a few days ago.  So Brandon tried out some used drivers and found one that he really hit well with.  On top of that, it was only $99, which is cheap for a nice driver.  Unfortunately, it wasn't as cheap as he thought it was.  When we went to check out, the price for everything was a lot higher then it seemed it should have been.  After checking the receipt, they realized that it was actually $199.  The 1 in the beginning was kind of messed up just enough so that if you weren't looking for it, you would most likely miss it.  That is how Brandon ended up with a nice new driver that was even nicer than he had realized.  Happy birthday to both of us.
      Our plan was to go back to the fair one last time before it leaves town today.  It was so hot today though, that we waited until later in the day when it cooled off a little bit.  So we spent the middle part of our day at Barnes and Noble to stay in the air conditioning.  Just reading magazines and catching up on current events for a couple of hours until it was time to go stuff our faces with delicious fair food.  Which we did, just as soon as we got there.  Starting off the night with some delicious Phillie Cheese Steak French Fries.  You read that right.  It was all the innards of a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich put over a pile of French fries.  It was pretty stinking awesome.  After the pile of fries, it was time for a little desert.  Some caramel and apples, with a nice scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle, all over a waffle.  I love caramel, apples, waffles and ice cream, so it was just about perfect.  After all that food, and some in between time to walk around and catch anything that we missed, I finished off the night by sharing Mexican Funnel cake with Raina and Brandon.  Phenomenal.  Can't stay away from that stuff.  It was one of those great days that went by way too quickly.
      I also have to mention that we went and enjoyed some pig races at the fair today.  That's right, pig races.  Line them up four deep and watch them run in a half circle.  Even going as far as to give them obstacles that they would have to jump over to win their race.  It was pretty funny to watch and made me glad I am not in Texas where you know that is a normal occurrence.  Only true hicks would be doing that on a regular basis.  It was pretty funny to watch, but I am not a true hick, so one time is good enough for me. 

This Day In History: 1934
A group of federal prisoners classified as "most dangerous" arrives at Alcatraz Island off California, the first civilian prisoners to be housed on this 22 acre rocky outcrop situated 1.5 miles offshore in San Francisco Bay.  Although some three dozen have attempted, no prisoner is known to have successfully escaped "The Rock".

Born This Day: 1921
Alex Haley - American Pulitzer Prize winning author (Roots)

"Boasting of glory does not make glory, and singing in the dark does not dispel fear."
-King Hussein

Pictures of the day.
Still in the testing phase.

A shirt made just for Brandon.

Just destroyed these Phillie Cheese Steak Fries.

Pigs a racing.

Mexican Funnel Cake.  Yum.

My brand spanking new driver.  Now just don't break this one.

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