Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day Two Hundred Forty Three

Dear Readers,
      It was another night in with Raina.  She made another wonderful dinner for us and I got her hooked on a new television show.  It was chicken in pasta with tomatoes and all deliciousness.  Something healthy and filling with a healthy dose of time well spent with Raina.  The show that Raina is now hooked on is The Newsroom.  I know I talked about it a few weeks back, or something like that, but she finally sat down and started watching it with me.  There happened to be nothing on TV, so it began.  We started with one episode and here we are in our fourth episode of the night.  These are hour long episodes.  So, I think she kind of enjoys this show.  If only I could have gotten her hooked on this show a little bit sooner.  I have watched almost the entire season, in fact I only have the season finale left to watch.  It's okay though, because I am really enjoying watching the second time around.  Catching things here and there that I missed the first time around.  Again, it's a great show.  Jeff Daniels is amazing on this show.  It is a really long way off from his role in Dumb and Dumber.  Which I actually found very funny.  It just shows how diverse an actor he is.  He isn't the only one though.  This show is stocked full of great actors and characters that will have you getting invested in.  I really hope this show is kept on the air for at least a few years. 

This Day In History: 1996
An expedition to raise part of the Titanic failed when the nylon lines being used to raise part of the hull snapped.

Born This Day: 1918
Ted Williams - Hall of Fame baseball player.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein

 My wonderful dinner made by my wonderful wife.


  1. The beard is looking fierce! I think you qualify to guest star on Duck Dynasty.

  2. The beard is looking fierce! I think you qualify to guest star on Duck Dynasty.
