Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day Two Hundred Twenty Eight

Dear Readers,
      It was a fairly lazy afternoon today.  Other than my three mile run to get back into the swing of things after two days off.  It always feels good to complete my runs.  I always dread them though.  Afterwards, I am always grateful that I went through it and finished.  I almost always get to that part in my run where I feel like I won't finish.  Like I really don't want to finish.  Where my legs feel like they are going to give out.  Where my breathing gets out of control and I can't get it back under control.  It makes me wonder what it is like for runners who are so strong at it, that they don't get those kinds of problems.  Will I ever get to that point?  Maybe if I don't take long layoffs between training.  It makes me think that maybe I should sign up for half marathons and other obstacle races to continually do them throughout the year, to force me to keep up my training.  It is one way to keep up the motivation, or at least attempt to. 
      The rest of my lazy afternoon was filled with a dinner of In and Out with Raina and staying in the fan area of our bedroom, continuing to catch up on Olympic events that we haven't watched yet.  Raina has gone to bed early though, because she is getting up extra early to head out to Santa Barbara in the morning with my sister Yoli.  Unfortunately, I have to work in the morning, so my one night vacation privileges have been revoked.  Raina works really hard, so she deserves to get away for a couple days and relax.  Hopefully it will actually be relaxing for her.  Micah is going along with them, so who knows if he will allow them to relax at all.  That is one rambunctious kid.  He keeps moving like the energizer bunny all day long.  Then you need to watch out if he gets into one of his moods.  A strong willed child that wants to get his way.  You have to love him though.  He is pretty stinking cute, especially when he wants to be.

This Day In History: 1914
The Panama Canal was officially opened to commercial traffic as an American ship sailed from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

Born This Day: 1769
Napoleon Bonaparte

"The person who reads too much and uses his brain too little will fall into lazy habits of thinking."
-Albert Einstein

Waste not, want not.

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